这个东西真比较难弄 除非是近期安装过的用户分享或者是联通内部工作人员 安装师傅才知道

如果是自己找 只能是闲鱼碰  网上论坛找

目前找到的 中兴ZXV10 B862AV3.2-U  zxv10B862Av3.2-M

zxv10B862Av3.2 这个中兴的盒子 没有wifi


图片系 AI生成 由chatgpt的 DALL·E 3图生图大模型生成

如需了解请点击这里 openai-chatgpt-GPT-4 的 DALL·E 3发布,chatgpt的图生图大模型


A compact smart video playback device, shaped like a small, sleek square box. The device has a matte black finish with a subtle LED indicator that glows softly to show it's powered on. It has multiple ports on the back for connectivity, including HDMI, USB, and an Ethernet port. The top surface is touch-sensitive and has a few touch buttons that light up with a cool blue hue for functions like power, play, pause, and volume control. It sits on a modern, glossy black glass table reflecting its design, and the background is a cozy living room setting with soft lighting and contemporary decor.