来源  BT宝塔面板 https://ip:设置的端口/phpmyadmin_一串随机字符串/doc/html/faq.html

 I cannot upload big dump files (memory, HTTP or timeout problems).

Starting with version 2.7.0, the import engine has been re–written and these problems should not occur. If possible, upgrade your phpMyAdmin to the latest version to take advantage of the new import features.

The first things to check (or ask your host provider to check) are the values of max_execution_timeupload_max_filesizememory_limit and post_max_size in the php.ini configuration file. All of these settings limit the maximum size of data that can be submitted and handled by PHP. Please note that post_max_size needs to be larger than upload_max_filesize. There exist several workarounds if your upload is too big or your hosting provider is unwilling to change the settings:

  • Look at the $cfg['UploadDir'] feature. This allows one to upload a file to the server via scp, FTP, or your favorite file transfer method. PhpMyAdmin is then able to import the files from the temporary directory. More information is available in the Configuration of this document.
  • Using a utility (such as BigDump) to split the files before uploading. We cannot support this or any third party applications, but are aware of users having success with it.
  • If you have shell (command line) access, use MySQL to import the files directly. You can do this by issuing the “source” command from within MySQL:
    source filename.sql;

我无法上传大转储文件(内存、HTTP 或超时问题)。

从版本 2.7.0 开始,导入引擎已被重新编写,不应出现这些问题。如果可能,请将您的 phpMyAdmin 升级到最新版本以利用新的导入功能。

首先要检查(或要求您的主机提供商检查)是 php.ini 配置文件中的 max_execution_time、upload_max_filesize、memory_limit 和 post_max_size 的值。所有这些设置都限制了 PHP 可以提交和处理的数据的最大大小。请注意 post_max_size 需要大于 upload_max_filesize。如果您的上传太大或您的托管服务提供商不愿意更改设置,则有几种解决方法:

查看 $cfg['UploadDir'] 功能。这允许人们通过 scp、FTP 或您喜欢的文件传输方法将文件上传到服务器。然后 PhpMyAdmin 能够从临时目录中导入文件。本文档的配置中提供了更多信息。
在上传之前使用实用程序(例如 BigDump)拆分文件。我们不支持此应用程序或任何第三方应用程序,但知道用户已成功使用它。
如果您有 shell(命令行)访问权限,请使用 MySQL 直接导入文件。你可以通过在 MySQL 中发出“source”命令来做到这一点:

