To enable the full website address display in the Chrome address bar, you can follow these simple steps:
Open your Google Chrome browser.
Right-click inside the address bar.
From the context menu, select the option "Always show full URLs".
Once you have selected this option, Chrome will start displaying the full URL of every web page you visit, including the protocol (such as HTTP or HTTPS) and any "www" subdomains. If you want to revert back to the default setting, you can right-click in the address bar again and uncheck the "Always show full URLs" option.
This feature makes it easier to see the complete web address of the sites you are visiting, which can be useful for various reasons, including security and development purposes.
要在 Chrome 地址栏中显示完整的网站地址,您可以按照以下简单步骤操作:
打开您的 Google Chrome 浏览器。
从上下文菜单中,选择“始终显示完整 URL”选项。
选择此选项后,Chrome 将开始显示您访问的每个网页的完整 URL,包括协议(例如 HTTP 或 HTTPS)和任何“www”子域。 如果您想恢复为默认设置,可以再次右键单击地址栏,然后取消选中“始终显示完整 URL”选项。
chrome最新版100.0以后版本 谷歌浏览器如何显示完整URL网站地址