Google adsense、Admob、Youtube 收款超过5万美金的收款结汇攻略




2)每20 日之前




4. The recommended annual payment amount for changing to a company account: 200,000 + US dollars. If you choose to collect payments through a company account, you will not be subject to the 50,000 US dollar limit of personal foreign exchange. It also saves the trouble of frequently changing payees, and at the same time solves the pain of monthly income exceeding 50,000 US dollars. However, incorporation and maintenance of a company also require additional costs.
In addition, there are also obligatory individual households and Chongqing channels, so I won’t make the main recommendation here. Of course, you can also go to the bank counter to provide proof of the authenticity of the income of the relevant Google cooperation to handle personal foreign exchange settlement and sales. However, you need to contact the Google official to provide the corresponding contract, and you have to go to the bank to settle the exchange every time. It is a little more complicated and not the main recommendation.

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