赛斯书时空之外 第一部 第八章 睡眠、做梦与意识

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赛斯书– 时空之外 实体书照片

Part 1 Chapter 8 Sleep, Dreaming and Consciousness
Lesson 532 Wednesday, May 27th, 1970 9:24 PM
Good night!
[Good night, Seth! 】
Everyone needs a different amount of sleep, and no medicine can completely avoid sleep, because it needs to be done during sleep.
There are too many things, but two short sleeps are more effective in achieving your goals than one long sleep.
For most people, two three-hour sleeps are enough, but you should give yourself appropriate advice before going to bed.
This kind of hint can make the body recover completely. Ten hours of sleep is often bad for the body, for example: it will make the body and mind become
Sluggishness and so on. During sleep [the mind is separated for too long, so that the muscles lose elasticity. ] (Jane speaks quite quickly, and this is the case throughout the class)
Just like [Eat less and more meals] is better than three meals a day, a few short sleeps are more effective than one long sleep, and
There are other benefits: consciousness can better remember the revelations obtained in dreams, and the scope of self experience gradually increases.
As a result of frequent short sleeps, the focus of consciousness can often be maintained at the peak, and the activities of the body and mind can be renewed more steadily.
As a result, the multiple levels of [self] and the boundaries between levels have become less clear-cut. You can use energy more economically and more
Effective use of nutrients, and the consciousness you know will become more flexible and more active.
Segmented short sleep will not cause the focus of consciousness to be blurred and dull, but will make the focus of consciousness clearer because of the increase in flexibility.
On the surface, it seems that there is a huge gap between the sleeping and waking [I], which is mainly due to the different working scopes.
To the end: one works during this period of time, the other works during another period of time. Because you use [time], they have [distance
Leave】 .
9:36 Minutes. At first, your conscious life was to follow the sun to work and rest. Now that lights are artificially produced, your daily work and rest are also
Changed. In fact, you can use this technology to get a lot of benefits. I’m not saying that you can sleep a lot during the day,
The meaning of starting work at night is just to force the current habit to be reversed. In fact, there are better and more effective
The law divides the twenty-four hours in different ways.
In fact, many methods are better than the methods you currently use. The ideal is to sleep for five hours at a time, which will benefit you the most.
If you sleep more than this time, it will hardly help you. Those who need a little more sleep come for another two hours
Take a nap; the average person only needs to sleep for four hours at a time plus two naps to benefit the most. After making appropriate recommendations to my body,
The body can fully recover in almost half of the time it takes to sleep now. Regardless of any of the above methods, the body can be more
Invigorating and more efficient, it is better to say that it is better than sleeping for eight to ten hours at a time and making the body lazy.
You have trained your consciousness to have accepted a certain pattern, and this pattern is not natural to it, but increases
The difference between the [I] when I was asleep and when I was awake. To some extent, you use suggestions and hints to hold your body hard,
Ask them to believe how long they must sleep at a time. Other animals sleep when they are tired, and wake up naturally when they have enough sleep.
As unnatural as you guys!

第一部 第八章 睡眠、做梦与意识
第 532  课 1970  年 5  月 27  日 星期三 晚上  9:24 分
呆滞不振等等。睡眠时【精神离体太久,使肌肉丧失弹性。】 (珍说得相当快,而且整节课如此)
致的:一个在这段时间工作,另一个在另一段时间工作。由于你运用了【时间】 ,它们就有了【距
离】 。
9:36 分 最初你们的意识生活是随着日光而作息,现在人造出了灯,你们的起居作息也

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