#31度网赚班# 无货源3.0课程:三种玩法助你快速上手完成你店铺的起飞爆发

No source of supply 3.0 course: Three kinds of gameplay to help you quickly get started to complete the take-off of your shop. There is no shop, no model, and no system to land. Everything is empty talk. Ang, through the analysis of various gameplay, hands-on Take you to quickly actual combat and quickly get started to complete the take-off and outbreak of your shop. There are high store visitors, what can you bring, that is, you normally need to make up the order to bring in the basic traffic charge, but your store has more than 1,000 visitors, which is the entry, but when there are 35,000 visitors, this is the At the beginning; you will find that when you get a new baby, you will naturally issue an order. This is the charm of store weight. I now also have a store for group control and a store for blue ocean, but we all have only one purpose, which is to ensure profit. Others It doesn’t matter if profit is the most important thing, so everyone’s choice is different. As long as you operate, you can make money. This is for sure!

没有店铺、没有模式、没有一套系统可落地的打法,一切都是空谈,安哥通过对各种玩法的解析,手把手带你快速实战、快速上手完成你店铺的起飞爆发。店铺访客高,可以带来什么东西呢,就是你正常需要补单才可以带来基础流量费,但是你一个店,有1000多访客,才是入门,但是有35千访客的时候,这个才是开始;你会发现,你上新的宝贝,天然就出单了,这个就是店铺权重的魅力,我现在也有店铺做群控,也有店铺做蓝海,但是我们都只有一个目的,就是保证利润,其他的都是无所谓,因为利润才是最关键的,所以每个人的选择不一样,只要去操作就能赚到钱,这个是肯定的!Course catalog: 01. Know the prospects and gameplay of no source of supply 02. Basic settings in the store 03. Types of violations and common violations of products 04. Explanation of store weights, essential for starting a store 05. Pricing skills, a must-see for newcomers, starting store cheats 06 .Blue ocean selection of goods shop on 07. Blue ocean selection of goods shop on the bottom 08. Blue ocean counterparts interception game analysis 09. Alternative options to seize hot spots 10. Use of discount software and low-cost drainage 11. Single category children's clothing gameplay 12. Quick optimization after opening the store 13. Analysis of activity gameplay to help improve visitors 14. Answers to frequently asked questions about operations















