#31度网赚班# 抖音解封大全,帮你解决各类疑难杂症(封禁话术和模板

Yesterday a friend who worked on editing asked me that his Douyin account was blocked and he appealed for a failure. Is there a way to achieve a high pass rate? I was very anxious.

Since the rise of short video, wave after wave of internet celebrities have risen, especially the huge profits brought by live broadcasts, which have made them a lot of money.

Short video entrepreneurship is suitable for anyone to participate, and Xiaobai can easily get started, even if you don't like to show your face, it will not affect it.

As a result, more and more people are entering the field of short video, hoping to grab a wave of dividends and get a share of the pie.

But recently Douyin has suddenly taken a big move, and many Douyin accounts have been blocked.

Some thousands of fans were not spared, and many users said they had been recruited.

It doesn't matter for ordinary users, those accounts have improved a bit, and the previous efforts will be ruined.

If it cannot be unblocked in time, in addition to traffic loss, fans will also be lost.

Moreover, the official channel can only appeal once, and there will be no entrance after failure.

Many people fail to appeal, the main reason is that the appeal method is not correct, including the appeal language and appeal map, and there are many details that need to be paid attention to.

Therefore, once your account is blocked, if you unblock it blindly, once it fails, you can only find some technical unblocking team to help you unblock it, and the price they charge is very high, and most people can't afford it.

Therefore, we must learn how to unblock, and at the same time, we must understand the rules of the platform to avoid the risk of being blocked.

So how do we unblock it correctly?

First of all, you must understand why you are blocked, and then think about how to describe it. Words are very important.

So today we will share all the banned words and templates with everyone

















