外充1980 Tik Tok娃娃拳直播项目,Tik Tok报白,实时互动直播【详细教程】

市面上最新的直播游戏。娃娃拳击项目,外面收费1980,可以虚拟人直播,Tik Tok报,实时互动直播【软件+详细教程】








电脑配置基础级i5-10代以上CPU 16G内存 GTX2060以上级显卡(否则直播容易卡顿掉帧)!





The latest live game on the market. The doll boxing project, which costs 1980 yuan outside, can be broadcast live with virtual personification, Tiktok, real-time interactive live broadcast [software+detailed tutorial] [doll boxing] play method introduces the audience to randomly generate a doll character to participate in the competition process by sending a bullet screen [red/blue]. After the doll character joins, it will automatically find the opposite camp doll to challenge. The doll joined for the first time is [250 morale], Each attack on the opponent's doll will cause [25 morale] damage. When the morale value is [below 0], the doll will be hit off the field. The player needs to send the bullet screen [resurrection] or [live room praise] to rejoin the small game. During the game, the audience can send the bullet screen [change role] to randomly change their doll image; The game time of each game is [600 seconds by default]. When the game time is 0, the red and blue camp will win if there are more players left. The audience can get additional skill gain effects by giving a paid gift, and can also get the gain effects at random probability by [like] or sending a bullet screen [666] to participate in the game! Support platform: Tiktok (Tiktok account needs to meet 1000 fans to start the broadcast) Equipment requirements: computer (win10 is required) Since this game is a 3D game, there are certain basic requirements for the computer configuration. The computer is configured with a basic level i5-10 CPU, 16G memory, GTX2060 or higher graphics card (otherwise, live broadcast is easy to get stuck and lose frames)! The current project needs to use the computer to download Tiktok live partners for live broadcast! Operation requirements: the master data will be automatically delivered after the order is placed. Since this live game is an official Tiktok game, you can find the channel teacher to join the guild before the game starts, and the live broadcast can be normal after the announcement. Rendering of live game:

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