你好,我是白龙笔记,这套课,来讲这个还不错的项目,拼多多无版权网课项目。它是一个什么项目?就是咱们平时也会上拼多多去买一些网课,比如说咱们搜索小红书,然后就会出来很多课程,大概就是一块钱或者三五块钱,咱们买了之后,那个商家就会发给我们一个网盘链接。所以咱们做的就是这个项目,一般的一单的利润大概在几块钱,虽然这个赚的不是多,但是也是靠量的,一天出个几十单,一天也是几十几百的一个收入,如果单店的话,一般可以做到一月两三千的收入。这是我一个朋友,他刚做一个月的情况, 30 天赚了 1600 多,所以如果你做好了之后,你也可以做矩阵,或者继续优化,也是一个还不错的项目。









Hello, I am Bailong Notebook. This course set is a good project for Pinduoduo's copyright free online course. What project is it? We usually go to Pinduoduo to buy some online courses. For example, when we search for Xiaohongshu, many courses come out, which cost about one yuan or three to five yuan. After we buy them, the merchant will send us an online disk link. So what we are doing is this project, with a typical profit of around a few yuan per order. Although it doesn't earn much, it also relies on quantity. If we produce dozens of orders per day, we can earn several hundred yuan per day. If we have a single store, we can usually achieve a monthly income of two to three thousand yuan. This is a friend of mine who has just been working on it for a month and has earned over 1600 in 30 days. Therefore, if you have done it well, you can also do matrices or continue optimizing, which is also a good project. So some friends would say, isn't this online course copyrighted? So how can we solve it? In fact, what we are doing is this non copyright online course, which does not have copyright, so we have avoided the risk of copyright. So where do these non copyrighted courses usually come from? In the course, I will provide you with a detailed breakdown. Course Catalog 1. Basic Introduction. mp42. Opening Process. mp43. How to Select Products. mp44. How to Sell. mp45. Automatic Shipping. mp46. Resource Acquiry.mp4

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