#31度网赚班# 账号变现课第2期,今日头条、小红书、公众号,1000粉也可以接广告赚钱

































Course introduction: 1000 fans can also receive advertisements to cash in. This wave of new dividends must not be missed. It is often said that the bonus period of official account has passed, and it can not be increased or realized. In fact, after its revision, there has been a wave of new dividends. Even if readers do not pay attention to you, they may see your article and then pay attention to your official account. Many of our students have seized on this wave of dividends. The number of fans of the new account just opened is no more than 1000. Normally, the reading amount is about 100, but they have tens of thousands of reading amount for each article. Tang Xiaoxiao has been operating the account with the team for more than 6 years. There are 350W fans in the whole network. He summarized a set of multi platform operation methods. These methods are usually used by the team, which are very simple and practical. Now, I have made these methods into a set of courses and used the training camp to teach everyone how to operate multi platform accounts. This is "Tang Xiaoxiao Multi platform Account Realization Training Camp". The training camp includes today's Toutiao department, xiaohongshu and official account. Each platform has 10 classes, plus 2 pilot classes. From how to position, how to choose an account name, how to write an account profile, to how to operate, how to increase fan stickiness, how to cash in, and how to better accept advertisements, I will teach you all the exclusive secrets in 60 days. Course Directory Account Realization [Today's Headlines] Lesson 10: 7 ways to realize your earnings by five times. mp4 [Today's Headlines] Lesson 1: Headline Operating Rules and 8 Pits You Can't Tread. mp4 [Today's Headlines] Lesson 2: Start your earnings with violence. Three templates are enough. mp4 [Today's Headlines] Lesson 3: These seven types of materials help you easily write blockbusters. mp4 [Today's Headlines] Lesson 4: Six popular titles Opening and Structure.mp4 [Today's Headlines] Lesson 5: 8 Details You Neglect, Write Millions of Popular Types.mp4 [Today's Headlines] Lesson 6: Increase the Traffic to Produce Popular Types.mp4 [Today's Headlines] Lesson 7: 8 Topic Selection Methods, 6 Writing Skills, Write Popular Question Answers.mp4 [Today's Headlines] Lesson 8: 5 Methods to Increase the Probability of Popular Types.mp4 [Today's Headlines] Lesson 9: 4 Key Data, Quickly diagnose content and account problems. mp4 [Pilot Lesson] Lesson 1: Four Methods to Choose the Right Platform and Field for Yourself. mp4 [Pilot Lesson] Lesson 2: How to Set up a Popular Account and Make Six Cognitions of the Account. mp4 [Little Red Book] Lesson 10: Five Ways to Realize Money, You Can Make Money Without Many Fans. mp4 [Little Red Book] Lesson 1: Operating Rules of Little Red Book, And 11 easy to step into. mp4 [Little Red Book] Lesson 2: 6 ways to help you find the topic of popular money. mp4 [Little Red Book] Lesson 3: 4 ways to write the text, beginning and end of popular money notes. mp4 [Little Red Book] Lesson 4: 10 ways to choose popular money titles to improve the opening rate of notes. mp4 [Little Red Book] Lesson 5: 3 software, and Xiaobai can easily make popular money covers. mp4 [Little Red Book] Lesson 6: 6 operation skills, Make your notes a blockbuster.mp4 [Little Red Book] Lesson 7: Three easy-to-use templates to write a blockbuster video copy.mp4 [Little Red Book] Lesson 8: Six ways to make a good video efficiently by one person. mp4 [Little Red Book] Lesson 9: Seven free ways to help your account quickly grow in popularity. mp4

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