#31度网赚班# 2022引力魔方可落地实操系统课程:带你玩转淘宝推广(12节课)

01 引力魔方课程的介绍
02 直通车引力魔方万相台之间的若异和投放选择
03 超级管家计划应用和设置
04 自定义计划设置1
05 自定义计划设置2
06 自定义计划设置3(创意设置要点)
07 冷启动加速原理和应用
08 引力魔方人群介绍和应用(1)
08 引力魔方人群介绍和应用(2)
09 如何优化人群定向的数据
10 资源位数据的优化
11 引力魔方如何降低优质资源位流量占比
12 创意图的优化

Course Catalogue 01 Introduction to the Gravitational Rubik's Cube Course 02 Differences and Delivery Options between the Gravitational Rubik's Cube Vantage of the Through Car 03 Super butler Plan Application and Settings 04 Customized Plan Settings 105 Customized Plan Settings 206 Customized Plan Settings 3 (Key Points for Creative Settings) 07 Cold Start Acceleration Principle and Application 08 Gravitational Rubik's Cube Crowd Introduction and Application (1) 08 Gravitational Rubik's Cube Crowd Introduction and Application (2) 09 How to optimize crowd oriented data 10 Optimization of resource bit data 11 How to reduce the proportion of high-quality resource bit traffic 12 Optimization of creative maps

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