#31度网赚班# 绅白不白小红书无货源第3版,0投入起店,无脑图文精细化玩法,每天收益300+














The results of an unintentionally daily test Project are getting better and better. The project has been Operated for three or four months, and the students and myself have achieved good results. The second version of the distribution method costs 28 yuan. This time, the third version will still not exceed 28 yuan. If the second version is called the word selection distribution method, the third version can be understood as the mindless graphics and text game, and the account will not die, It doesn't need too much distribution, and the profit is higher than that of the second edition. The starting point is earlier. Many students start to make money from the second or third day when they do pictures and texts. Note that the volume of small red books is not high for our operation, and the operation is mainly based on high profits of Chinese customers. Introduction to the third edition of graphic play: Will this play last long? Are late updates charged? In terms of operation principle, the sTore can operate for a long time and make money all the time, and can operate more stores. I personally think that the little red book store will not be much worse than my Taobao red book store when we become more and more perfect in the later stage. There are many things we haven't developed. The little red book itself is a grass planting platform, so the early stage is very large, and no matter how many times my courses are updated, they are free of charge and do not need to make up the difference. Simple operation Can Xiaobai do it? The third version is equivalent to the idea of selecting products and doing our media number, but it is still mainly about opening stores without supply, and the cost is almost zero. Xiaobai can fully operate it, and it saves more time than the method of selling goods, just one or two hours a day. What needs to be prepared? A deposit of 1000 yuan is enough. If you do not make a deposit in the future, it will be returned to you from the Little Red Book platform. You can open a store with an ID card, one store with one card. It's best to have a computer. Without a computer, you can also use this image and text in combination with the previous one? Yes, and our graphic game can drive the flow of distribution products to increase transactions, and we promise not to make compensation.

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