#31度网赚班# 零基础建设技术类资讯博客站点:新手跟着视频操作搭建一样的网站(附源码)







The course focuses on how to build a technical information blog website on a zero basis, and the whole process of practical teaching. This is the steps of the blog site course taking WordPress as an example: lead everyone to create a pagoda panel, install WordPress programs, upload the theme files of the website, then modify the pseudo static and fixed connection of the website, and finally modify the basic parameters of the system. It doesn't matter if the members can't read the text, Follow the video steps to build an identical finished site. You will not buy a domain name, a server, or install a pagoda version. Please see the following tutorial first! (phase 3483) 0 Basics - mandatory course for website construction: domain name + server purchase + pagoda version + wordpress blog building. After the building is completed, there will be no drainage. Please see the screenshot of the drainage tutorial in the VIP area of this site
