#31度网赚班# 抖音做了一个月6.5万粉丝,日入300-500,公布了! 到现在差不多刚好一个月。












这篇付费与上篇 起了个抖音号,第4天爆了!(人人可复制)两篇文章讲透。


It's almost exactly a month now. Currently 65000 fans. There was no trailer when the paid articles were published. Later, the car was hooked up, and it didn't take long for the income to reach 1-200 per day. Recently, it can basically achieve a stable income of more than 300-500 per day. The basic way to open an account every day is as follows: Recently, several numbers have always copied me. I can't help copying one by one. Who let me carry it! TMD, I've made it public. Let's roll it together! To be honest, this year many people started to do Tiktok, which I never wanted to do. But after I chose this product, I did it with the mentality of making tens of thousands of yuan a month or even a day. The following will tell me why I thought it would explode. It didn't meet expectations and didn't work hard. Fortunately, it didn't take much effort, so she invested 30 yuan to shake +, and Ku Sao could edit three videos and send them out in half an hour every day. In the future, the focus will return to Taobao. This article will explain in detail from the selection, operation, details, aesthetic feeling, development, etc. each step is my own thinking, not theory, not lust, all practical operation. After all, I saw those who copied my number. I really couldn't copy it. This article is different from the previous one I started a Tiktok, and it exploded on the fourth day! (everyone can copy) the two articles explained it thoroughly. It is worth mentioning that the books and courses I sold were also mentioned in my earlier article, and at that time, everyone was not very interested.
