#31度网赚班# 如何利用Amazon Print On Demand(按需打印)打造每月1000美元的被动收入
Amzon Merch账号注册流程,收款设置, Amzon Merch 账号快速获批的技巧和方法

Amazon merch,也叫发明家计划,是亚马逊官方针对美国设计师推出的一个扶持计划,其特点是所有的产品均为亚马逊生产与销售,并且提供售后。今天,我主要为大家介绍Amazon Merch的注册方法,以及快速获批的技巧。在视频的后半部分,我还会为大家介绍一个简单的赚钱技巧。

Amazon merch account registration process, collection settings, and skills and methods for quick approval of Amazon merch account Amazon merch, also known as the inventor program, is an official support program launched by Amazon for American designers. Its feature is that all products are produced and sold by Amazon and provide after-sales services. Today, I will mainly introduce the registration method of Amazon merch and the skills for quick approval. In the second half of the video, I will introduce a simple money making technique.
