#31度网赚班# 兼职招聘平台网站建设,跟着课程步骤学习 做出一样的成品网站(附源码)






The course focuses on how to build a part-time recruitment website platform, human resources construction, and follow the course steps. You can also make a finished website like the video. How to change the template information without the background management of the website? At this time, you need to change the source code of the webpage. The course is very simple and easy to learn. It is easy to get started and learn to modify the source code of the webpage without buying domain names, servers and installing the pagoda version, Please take a look at this tutorial first! (phase 3483) 0 Basics - mandatory course for website construction: domain name + server purchase + pagoda version + wordpress blog building. After the building is completed, there will be no drainage. Please see the screenshot of the drainage tutorial in the VIP area of this site
