#31度网赚班# 使用Procreate绘图软件赚钱的5种方法,轻松月入3700美元,操作简单

Procreate 绘制数码肖像赚钱的方法,出售卡通数码肖像服务赚钱的方法,定制按需打印商品服务的方法|方法简单,适合新手副业赚钱


目前这款软件仅支持Apple iPad平台,常规售价为9.9美元,在折扣期会低于4美元。无论你是否有绘画基础,只要能正确的使用Procreate,就可以为你带来一笔高额的工作外收入。

Procreate makes money by drawing digital portraits, selling cartoon digital portrait services, and customizing on-demand printing commodity services. The method is simple and suitable for novice sidelines to make money. Many iPad users must have heard of or are using a painting software called procreate. Procreate is a powerful painting application software running on the iPad. It helps creative people to create various kinds of art through a simple operating system. At present, this software only supports the Apple iPad platform, with a regular price of $9.9 and less than $4 during the discount period. Whether you have a painting foundation or not, as long as you can use procreate correctly, you can bring you a large amount of extra work income.
