#31度网赚班# APP应用试玩平台搭建,快速实现被动收益,轻松日入几百(程序+教程)





The course focuses on how to build an application trial play platform. We can put multiple trial play promotion links into the website. After promotion and drainage, we can realize passive benefits. There is no theory in the whole course of practical operation. For example, we can put cicadas on the shelves, imoney, small fish to make money and lose money. They can all be put on the shelves. Similar to the software download station, the download link is our promotion link. You won't buy domain name, server or install pagoda version. Please see the following tutorial first! (phase 3483) 0 Basics - mandatory course for website construction: domain name + server purchase + pagoda version + wordpress blog building. After the building is completed, there will be no drainage. Please see the drainage tutorial in the VIP area of this site
