#31度网赚班# 某公众号付费文章《专注赚钱,不再焦虑,年赚百万》焦虑,不赚钱,解药在这

如果焦虑是在适当的范围内,其实是有好处的。适当的焦虑会让人更有努力赚钱的紧急 感。



本来应该好好努力赚钱,但是因为太焦虑,整天都在刷没用的东西回避 问题,混日子。





这篇文章就是要帮你解决这些问题,告知 你如何摆脱焦虑,更专注的去赚钱。给迷茫的你指一个方向,告知 你具体应该做什么。

The core problem of anxiety is actually one word, fear. If anxiety is within an appropriate range, it is actually beneficial. Proper anxiety will make people feel more urgent to make money. But if the anxiety is too heavy, people will become frustrated, confused and lose the motivation to do things. I don't want to do anything. I think I can't do anything well. Many Internet users are actually in a state of excessive anxiety. I should have worked hard to make money, but because I was too anxious, I spent all day brushing useless things to avoid problems and muddle along. If you feel particularly anxious, depressed and uneasy. You especially want to change the situation, but you don't know what to do. I especially want to make money, but I feel I can't make it. Then, be sure to read this article, which will make you have a complete change. This article is to help you solve these problems and tell you how to get rid of anxiety and focus on making money. Give you a direction and tell you what to do.
