#31度网赚班# 拼多多从0-1全方位运营实操班:爆款玩法+成交高峰黑车玩法(价值1280)
9年电商实战经验开网店开创 人全网粉丝累积40W




9 years of e-commerce practical experience, founder of the online store, accumulated 40W of fans in the whole network, Tencent classroom, official lecturer of Taoda, proficient in search logic algorithm and paid streaming. The experts master Duoduo's 0-1 traffic framework play method, understand Duoduo's explosive money play method, master Duoduo's trading peak black car play method 22.jpg (77.05 KB, download times: 0) download attachment 2022-8-6 21:22 upload 33.jpg (94.42 KB, download times: 0) download attachment 2022-8-6 21:22 upload
