#31度网赚班# 搭建一个小众冷门源码下载站,卖源码或卖VIP会员 轻松月入过万(教程+源码)










1、 What is the source code station? Most of the websites, small programs and apps we are building in various industries do not need to understand the code. We only need to download the corresponding source code package, and then put the source code package on our server, and it will become the various websites and applications we usually see. Many people think that the websites and apps are opened step by step by programmers, but in fact, they are not. Therefore, the source code station project is extended here, which is to build a source code website, which is full of source code packages of various industries. As for whether the source code can be used, it depends on whether the webmaster is willing to test. The tested (personally tested source code) is more expensive, and the untested ones can be sold only a few pieces, and most of them are permanently downloaded according to VIP members. 2、 Practical teaching 1: upload the WordPress source code to the pagoda root directory and extract it 2: visit the domain name and install it according to the prompts 3: upload the ripro theme to the theme folder and extract it 4: enter the WordPress background and start the theme 5: release the source code resources of the website
