#31度网赚班# 挂机项目追求者的福音,稳定长期靠谱的电脑挂机项目,实操5年 稳定月入几百










Hang up project life is short, I have been constantly changing, the only thing I don't change is the heart I pursue for hang up project. Today, I will introduce a platform that is a professional operation hang up project. There are many platform hang up software, basically mindless hang up. The platform side is a domestic real name enterprise, and it is also sincere in doing things. We can follow their software directly. The operation idea of the platform is: cooperate with some relatively large project parties, have negotiation advantages due to customer groups, and then package it on their own platform, plus their own playing methods, to promote the users of the platform to hang up. For each hang-up software on the platform, you can find the corresponding official. The conditions may be higher. Because there is no such platform, the price will be better. Project features: it supports Alipay cash withdrawal, with a cash withdrawal threshold of 2 yuan. Most software supports multi opening. Some eat hardware resources, some eat IP resources, some eat uplink resources, and some don't eat anything. If you have IP resources or machine resources, you can batch them. If not, you can only pay for electricity. Do not blindly expect high returns. After shooting the tutorial, there are videos of the author's platform withdrawal and Alipay receipt. Good real projects are not afraid to be tested. I do it part-time. The following figure shows the income of my single window as an amateur player. For reference only. Equipment requirements: computer 02.png (628.59 KB, download times: 4) download attachment 2022-7-30 12:23 upload 03.png (152.16 KB, download times: 5) download attachment 2022-7-30 12:23 upload 04.png (495.05 KB, download times: 5) download attachment 2022-7-30 12:23 upload 05.png (1.48 MB, download times: 4) download attachment 2022-7-30 12:23 upload
