#31度网赚班# 2022人物写作课“新故事,新写作”

庞杂的故事中,如何找到直中时代核心的那一个,并准确地写下它?#31 Degree Wangzhuan Class# 2022 Character Writing Class "New Story, New Writing"
Among the complex stories, how to find the core of the Zhizhong era and write it down accurately?
├┈01 Lecture 1 Lin Songguo: Tell a new story in a new way (Part 1). mp4├┈02 Lecture 1 Lin Songguo: Tell a new story in a new way (Part 2). mp4├┈03 Lecture 2 Luo Qian: Using a new language to tell a new story (Part 1). mp4├┈audio 01.mp4└┈audio 02-Lecturer An Xiaoqing. mp4

├┈01第一讲 林松果:用新的方式,讲述新的故事(上).mp4
├┈02第一讲 林松果:用新的方式,讲述新的故事(下).mp4
├┈03第二讲 罗芊:用新的语言,讲述新的故事(上).mp4
