#31度网赚班# 写作训练营:一次让灵魂丰盈充实的写作修行

Writing training camp: a writing practice that enriches and enriches the soul

day01丨My midnight bell, my Nanputuo Temple - how can it be considered an excellent article? .mp4
day02丨Every day is your own poem - the accumulation of writing materials (1).mp4
day03丨You have to go up to nine days to catch the moon and go down to five oceans to catch turtles - accumulation of writing materials (中.mp4
day04丨Isn't it "The Analects"? I can too - accumulation of writing material library (below.mp4
day05 Don't believe it, if you understand it, you will actually win - the improvement of expression ability training (Part 1).mp4
day06 From Refining Words and Sentences to Making Layouts - Improvement of Expression Ability (Part 2).mp4
day08 The Charm and Helplessness of Zhu Bajie - Characters in the Story (Part 1).mp4
day09 Lesson 8: The truth of life may be hidden in the life of your neighbor's second uncle——The character in the story (Part 2).mp4
day10 Baochai's Earth Ding, Security Box - Scenes and Interactions in the Story (Part 1).mp4
day11 Grandma Liu in the Grand View Garden, college students in the Octagonal Cage - Scenes and Interactions in the Story (Part 2).mp4
day12 When you are lonely, you can also have a carnival - an unstoppable imagination training.mp4
Can day13 stories really only be written as novels? .mp4
day15 Always stand on the shoulders of giants and look forward - how to do a good literature review.mp4
day16 All greatness starts here - how to come up with an original idea.mp4
day17 The secret hidden in the subtitle - the frame of the argumentative essay.mp4
day18 to explore the truth of things together - argumentative and qualitative research.mp4
day19 Let the numbers that don't lie speak for you - Argumentative Papers and Quantitative Research.mp4
day20 Me and my faith and the world - why is a good life a good argumentative essay? .mp4
Introductory class writing, the most effective way to make the soul interesting.mp4

day06 从炼字炼句到谋篇布局——表达能力提升(下).mp4
day08 猪八戒的魅力与无奈——故事里的人设(上).mp4
day09第八课:你邻居家二叔的生活里 可能藏着生活的真理————故事里的人设(下).mp4
day10 宝钗的土定,保安的岗亭——故事里的场景与互动(上).mp4
day11 大观园里的刘姥姥,八角笼里的大学生——故事里的场景与互动(下).mp4
day15 永远站在巨人的肩膀上向前看——如何做好文献综述.mp4
day16 所有伟大都从这里起航——如何提出原创性观点.mp4
day19 让不会骗人的数字替你说话——议论文与定量研究.mp4
day20 我和我的信仰与世界——好人生为什么要好议论文?.mp4
先导课 写作,让灵魂变得有趣最有效的方式.mp4

以上就是写作训练营:一次让灵魂丰盈充实的写作修行  网赚教程 的全部内容


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