#31度网赚班# 【上市公司】睿思挂机项目,一个项目挂到老,支持手机+电脑+虚拟机多开







同IP下的客户端个数不超过 3个客户端,超过3个节点的客户端的按照3/N的系数结算。(N=同IP下的节点个数) 例:同IP下有5个节点,这5个节点按照3/5=0.6的系数,进行计算。


做任务过程中,除了正常的任务收益之外,所消耗的流量会有额外的流量补贴,补贴按照每消耗1GB流量补贴人民币最低10 元的价格,直接算入平时的收益之中(现行规则为:移动10元/G、联通10元/G、电信8元/G,当月超过30元后流量积分按系数0.5计算,其他积分计算不变);









 [pension hook up] Ruisi hook up project, support mobile phones and computers to hang up together, support virtual machines to open more, and the mobile phone has a traffic subsidy of 10 yuan per G. Many hang up projects are grey * projects, which leads to a relatively short cycle. Today, I will introduce to you a pure white hang up project, which is an old enterprise listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange in 2020. ICP filing and public security filing, as well as enterprise inspection and Tianyan inspection, so this is an old project that can be linked. Enterprises also mainly cooperate with some domestic leading enterprises, such as Ping An Bank and insurance enterprises, to provide monitoring points for these enterprises. It is a rare hang up project. This is a pure hang up project, which supports the hang up of mobile phones and computers, as well as multi opening and mobile traffic subsidies. Here are some introductions. 1. How many clients can be attached to the same IP (or LAN)? The number of clients under the same IP shall not exceed 3 clients, and clients with more than 3 nodes shall be settled according to the coefficient of 3/n. (n= number of nodes under the same IP) example: there are 5 nodes under the same IP, and these 5 nodes are calculated according to the coefficient of 3/5=0.6. 2. Is it profitable for mobile phones to carry out supervision in the data traffic network environment? During the task, in addition to the normal task income, the traffic consumed will have additional traffic subsidies, which will be directly calculated into the usual income according to the minimum price of 10 yuan per 1GB of traffic subsidy (the current rules are: Mobile 10 yuan /g, Unicom 10 yuan / g, telecom 8 yuan /g. After the current month exceeds 30 yuan, the traffic integral will be calculated by the coefficient of 0.5, and other integral calculations will not change); There may be more tasks under the operator network; In some regional operators, there will be irregular duration subsidies. 3. Can I open more accounts? The same account can be logged in on multiple different computers; One computer can access up to four mobile phones; The more computers and mobile phones in the same account, the more revenue you will earn! 4. The withdrawal rule starts at 50 yuan, but it can only be recharged to the balance of JD mall in the form of JD gift card, or it can be converted into RMB in the automatic recovery assembly of Xianyu, or there are scalpers in the official QQ group, which are all very easy to get out. 5. Measured income based on my less than a year of experience in hanging up, hanging up in virtual machines (virtual machine hanging up data is not as good as physical machines) the computer single window is 1-3 yuan a day, there is no idle mobile phone, and the mobile phone data is insufficient.
