#31度网赚班# 最新版商家采集脚本,支持地区采集,一键导出【精准客户采集神器】
小编亲测,冷门项目,市场无人玩; 利用脚本采集的客户,全是精准客户(小编亲测B端客户,C端客户自测,可以去各品牌电视交流群等),成交率达70%(地图采集脚本,市场卖500一月);






Small series personal test, unpopular projects, no one plays in the market; The customers collected by script are all accurate customers (small editor personally tests b-end customers, C-end customers self-test, can go to various brand TV communication groups, etc.), and the transaction rate reaches 70% (map collection script, the market sells for 500 months); Project principle: use scripts to find businesses in regional industries. Here, search keywords by yourself, automatically collect accurate customers, 100% accurate drainage scripts, and understand the above figure. Scripts that are applicable to all industries, local promotion and sales are sold very expensive in the market! Equipment requirements: after being collected by the computer, it will be exported and a table will be generated; Open the form, keep the mobile phone number and store name, and delete others. Then I will teach you to import the mobile phone number into the mobile phone and add it to wechat with one click. In order to improve the pass rate, you can add a friend with a remark of his store name and 100% pass'; Export the mobile number to the mobile phone and add wechat with one click. I will put it in the tutorial
