#31度网赚班# 抖音(火山版)精准人脉采集+私信脚本【永久版+详细教程】 抖音(火山版)精准人脉的功能有用户ID采集、搜索ID私信和搜索ID点赞,其中用户ID采集可以进行直播间观众、大V粉丝列表、话题评论者和搜索用户等采集。么信功能可对采集到的人脉进行私信。


The functions of Tiktok (volcano version) accurate contacts include user ID collection, search ID private messages and search ID likes. Among them, user ID collection can be used to collect Live Room viewers, big V fan lists, topic commentators and search users. The message function can send private messages to the collected contacts. Equipment requirements: computer
