#31度网赚班# 月销千W运营型主播爆流实战技能,单场场观60万+在线人数2w+销售155w


课程来自慧慧的月销千W运营型主播实战技能,价值1980元。月销千万直播间操盘手把手带你玩转运营主播核心,10小时超详细讲解主播+运营,一人两用一步到位,实现高效复盘打通业绩增长,突破流量瓶颈。慧慧老师在抖音直播带货榜全网第五名,单场场观60万+、在线2w人、销售155w 培养打造运营主播过千人月销千万直播间的操盘手兼主播。


The course comes from Huihui's monthly sales 1000 W operational anchor's practical skills, worth 1980 yuan. The operator of the live broadcasting room with a monthly sales of tens of millions will take you to play with the core of the operation anchor, explain the anchor + operation in detail for 10 hours, and achieve one-man dual-use and one-step implementation, so as to achieve efficient re opening, break through the performance growth and break through the traffic bottleneck. Teacher Huihui ranks the fifth in the list of Tiktok live broadcast with goods on the whole network. She has 600000 + single audience, 2W online people and 155W sales. She cultivates and builds an operator and anchor in the live broadcast room with thousands of operating anchors and tens of millions of monthly sales. Course Directory: Huihui: introduction to lecturer Chapter 1 of MP4: the construction of super mentality and human orientation of operational anchors Chapter 2 of MP4: the design of the process of starting the operation type anchor is no longer difficult to retain people Chapter 3 of MP4: the operational anchor can quickly break the cold start and quickly build the explosive point Mp4 Chapter 4: how to sense traffic for operational anchors Chapter 5 of MP4: how to control traffic for operational anchors Chapter 6 of MP4: how to stabilize the traffic of operational anchors Chapter 7 of MP4: eight steps of the opening retention skills of the operational anchor Chapter 8 of MP4: the four scripts of operational anchor cannot be transferred Chapter 9 of MP4: the operational anchor plays the combination of forced orders and forced orders Mp4 Chapter 10: the three consecutive bursts of business talks of operational anchors teach you to receive people, money and heart Mp4 Chapter 11: selection, arrangement and test of live broadcast room Mp4 Chapter 12: the speaker's voice and personal design Mp4 Chapter 13: professional script skills mp4
