#31度网赚班# 线上千川提升课:手把手教你搭建1:10的千川计划 DMP人群包让人群更精准

#31 Degree Wangzhuan Class# Online Qianchuan improvement class: teach you how to build a 1:10 Qianchuan plan DMP crowd package makes the crowd more accurate

"Online Ganchuan improvement class, teach you how to build a 1:10 Ganchuan plan DMP crowd package to make the crowd more accurate"
"Program Directory: "

"1. Teach you how to build the Ganchuan plan mp4 put into production 1_10"
"2. The combination of Ganchuan plans to deliver mp4"

"3. DMP crowd pack makes crowd more accurate mp4"
"4. The delivery skills of the Ganchuan plan mp4"

"线上干川提升课,手把手教你如何搭建1: 10的干川计划DMP人群包让人群更精准 "
"淉程目录: "

"1、手把手教你搭建1_10投产的干川计划mp4 "
"2、干川计划的组合投放mp4 "

"3、DMP人群包让人群更精准mp4 "
"4、干川计划的投放技巧mp4 "
