#31度网赚班# 直播带货入门课:直播带货常见问题、起号与投流、新规后的主播话术调整

#31 Degree Hyip Class# Live Streaming With Goods Introductory Course: Live Streaming With Goods FAQ, Starting number and streaming, and adjusting the anchor's speech skills after the new regulations

01 Anchor Training - New Rules Understanding and Speech Rules. mp4

02 Van Gogh ~ system starting number, data operation (1). mp4

03 Van Gogh I system starting number, data operation (II). mp4

04 Van Gogh - System Start, Data Operation (III). mp4

05 Van Gogh - System Starting Number, Data Operation (IV). mp4

06 Where the quotient - starting problem, throwing practice (1). mp4

07 Van Gogh - Starting Problem, Throwing Practice (II). mp4

08 Where painting - starting problem, throwing practice (3). mp4

09 Van Gogh - Starting Problem, Throwing Practice (IV). mp4

01 主播培训-新规理解和话术规遐.mp4

02 凡高~系统起号、数据运营(一).mp4

03 凡高一系统起号、数据运营(二).mp4

04 凡高-系统起号、数据运营(三).mp4

05 凡高-系统起号、数据运营(四).mp4

06 凡商-起号问题、投流实操(一).mp4

07 凡高-起号问题、投流实操(二).mp4

08 凡画-起号问题、投流实操(三).mp4

09 凡高-起号问题、投流实操(四).mp4
