#31度网赚班# 微头条副业掘金项目第2期:单篇爆文收益30-50以上,适合小白

#31 Degree Wangzhuan Class# The second phase of the micro-toutiao sideline nuggets project: the income of a single explosive article is more than 30-50, suitable for Xiaobai

Use your spare time to write stories, and the revenue of a single explosion can reach more than 30-50. This project cannot be interrupted, let alone three days of fishing and two days of drying nets. If you want to make a meal a day, you can do this small side business. This is a long-term project, and there is no way to make a lot of money all at once. Micro Toutiao is a content module in Toutiao today. Like Toutiao articles, it publishes articles. But Wei Toutiao has a threshold, and it needs 100 fans to be profitable. And we will also teach you how to quickly reach 100 followers in 2-3 days.

Course Catalog:
│ Excellent student review sharing.txt
│ Toutiao group increase fans + optional field gameplay.txt
│ Benchmarking account.txt
│ Microtoutiao Auxiliary Tool Recommendation.txt
│ Article Comparison Tool.zip
│ Detect illegal word URL.txt
│ URL.txt
│ Collection methods of workplace blasting tools.mp4
│ Workplace Explosion Cases.txt

├─1.10 update: how to make 100 fans in 2 days
│ 1.10 Update: How to be a hundred fans in 2 days.mp4
│ If you don't join the picture, just find a micro headline and join the group.jpg

├─Update 1.15: How to use today's headlines for pregnancy stories
│ 1. How to prepare a pregnancy story.mp4
│ 2. How to write titles and publish.mp4

├─Update 1.6: Micro-toutiao gameplay in the field of self-selected explosions
│ 1.6 Update: Micro-headline gameplay in the field of self-selected explosions.mp4
│ 1be7e2162c864781bf046ba382d58050_tplv-obj_360_204.gif
│ tools.txt
│ WeChat picture_20220106110726.jpg
│ New text document.txt
│ Case 1.webp.jpg
│ Case 2.webp.jpg
│ Case Link.txt

└─The main video, watch this first
Huangdaozhu · Wei Toutiao sideline project training camp 2.0.mp4
Huangdaozhu · Wei Toutiao sideline project training camp 2.0.png


│ 优秀学员复盘分享.txt
│ 头条小组涨粉+自选领域玩法.txt
│ 对标账号.txt
│ 微头条辅助工具推荐.txt
│ 文章比对工具.zip
│ 检测违规词网址.txt
│ 网址.txt
│ 职场爆文工具搜集方法.mp4
│ 职场爆文案例.txt

│ 1.10更新:2天做百粉的玩法.mp4
│ 如果没加入看图,随便找一个微头条下面有加入小组.jpg

│ 1、备孕故事操作方法.mp4
│ 2、写标题和发布的方法.mp4

│ 1.6更新:自选爆文领域的微头条玩法.mp4
│ 1be7e2162c864781bf046ba382d58050_tplv-obj_360_204.gif
│ 工具.txt
│ 微信图片_20220106110726.jpg
│ 新建文本文档.txt
│ 案例1.webp.jpg
│ 案例2.webp.jpg
│ 案例链接.txt

黄岛主 · 微头条副业项目训练营2.0.mp4
黄岛主 · 微头条副业项目训练营2.0.png

以上就是微头条副业掘金项目第2期:单篇爆文收益30-50以上,适合小白 网赚教程 的全部内容


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