Opera 是一个多平台网络浏览器,由其同名公司 Opera 开发。Opera 如今是一个基于 Chromium 的浏览器。它通过其用户界面和其他功能将自己与其他浏览器区分开来。

Opera is a multi-platform web browser developed by its namesake company, Opera. Opera is now a Chromium-based browser. It differentiates itself from other browsers by its user interface and other features.

Opera 84 is officially released. This version is based on Chromium 98. The specific updates are as follows:

copy paste protection

Opera 84 adds a copy-paste protection feature that makes browsing and online payments even more secure. Without protection, whenever you copy-paste any sensitive data (like: credit card numbers or identifiers for cryptocurrency wallets), there is a chance it will be hijacked and modified.

Opera's copy-paste protection feature protects you from this. When sensitive data is copied in Opera, the data is monitored for a period of time or will not change until you paste the data. A warning will be displayed if the data is changed by an external application.
Other updates:

Update Chromium to 98.0.4758.82
Fixed browser power saver icon looking bad at DPI != 100%
New auto-popup video feature in Opera 83, now available on most sites broadcasting the 2022 Winter Olympics
[Win] Fix the crash after clicking the settings button for the second time when the video pops up
Incorrect number of tags restored when video popup is detached
DNA-97505 "Suggestions" are not highlighted on second mouse move
DNA-97432 "Suggestions" are not deleted after a single click of the "X" button, requiring two clicks
DNA-97402 [Win][Auto popup video] Fix the problem that the shortcut keys are blocked
[Adblocker] Allow url filter to be retrieved from render box
Video popup settings menu is visible when controls are hidden
[Mac] Crash when activating a tab with an active video conference when another tab is shared

More details can be viewed: https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-for-84/

Opera 84 正式发布,该版本基于 Chromium 98,具体更新内容如下:

Opera 84 新增了一个复制粘贴保护功能,使浏览和在线支付变得更加安全。在没有保护的情况下,每当你复制粘贴任何敏感数据时(如:信用卡号码或加密货币钱包的标识符),都有一定几率被劫持和修改。

Opera 的复制粘贴保护功能可以保护你免受这种影响。当在 Opera 中复制敏感数据时,该数据会被监控一段时间或直到你粘贴该数据时才会发生变化。如果数据被外部应用程序改变,将显示一个警告。

更新 Chromium 至 98.0.4758.82
修复了浏览器省电模式的图标在 DPI != 100% 时,看起来很糟糕的问题
在 Opera 83 中新增的自动弹出视频功能,现已适配大多数播放 2022 年冬奥会的网站
[Win] 修复在视频弹出时第二次点击设置按钮后的崩溃问题
DNA-97505 「建议」在第二次鼠标移动时未被高亮显示
DNA-97432 「建议」在单次点击 "X" 按钮后不被删除,需要两次点击
DNA-97402 [Win][自动弹出视频]修复快捷键被屏蔽的问题
[Adblocker] 允许从渲染框中检索 url 过滤器
[Mac] 当另一个标签被共享时,激活具有活动视频会议的标签时发生崩溃

