The third RC version of Linux kernel 5.15 has been released.

Linus Torvalds wrote in an announcement that after a bit of a bumpy merge window and a second rc, the situation with rc3 now actually looks normal. He also added that this version fixes a lot of bugs, and the statistics appear to be very regular-the driver dominates (because they are the main part of the code tree), it is quite common outside the driver The combination of changes-architecture repair, network, file system and tools (the latter is mainly kvm self-test).

In Linux 5.15-rc3, noteworthy changes are also fixes to the performance degradation of various workloads that have affected the development of Linux 5.15 to the present.

Finally, Linux 5.15 will officially release a stable version in early November.


Linux 内核 5.15 的第三个 RC 版本已发布。

Linus Torvalds 在发布公告写道,在经历了一个有点坎坷的合并窗口和第二个 rc 后,现在 rc3 的情况实际上看起来很正常。他还补充表示,此版本修复了不少错误,而且所统计的数字看起来十分有规律——驱动程序占主导地位(因为它们是代码树的主要部分),在驱动程序之外则是相当常见的变化组合——架构修复、网络、文件系统和工具(后者 主要是 kvm 自测)。

在 Linux 5.15-rc3 中,值得注意的变化还有对影响 Linux 5.15 开发至今的各种工作负载的性能退步的修复。

最后,Linux 5.15 将于 11 月初正式发布稳定版。
