DOSBox-X 是一款基于经典 DOSBox 项目的开源模拟器软件,旨在为用户提供一个增强型的环境来运行老式的 DOS 游戏和应用程序。
DOSBox-X 不仅仅是一个简单的继承者,它在原有 DOSBox 的基础上进行了大量扩展和改进,提供了更广泛的兼容性、更高的性能以及更多的配置选项,使之成为复古计算爱好者的优选工具之一。下面是对 DOSBox-X 的详细介绍:
DOSBox 最初开发的目的是为了在现代操作系统上(如 Windows、macOS 和 Linux)模拟 MS-DOS 环境,以便于那些为旧 DOS 系统设计的游戏和软件能够在新硬件和系统上正常运行。然而,随着时间的推移,一些游戏和应用对模拟环境提出了更高要求,于是 DOSBox-X 应运而生,它在保持向后兼容的同时,针对现代用户的需求进行了诸多优化和功能扩展。
DOSBox-X 中文版
经典 DOSBox 项目开源模拟器
增强兼容性:DOSBox-X 支持更多的硬件和软件,包括一些原本在 DOSBox 上难以运行或无法运行的游戏和应用程序。它还增加了对某些高级图形和声卡的支持,比如 Voodoo 系列显卡和 Roland MT-32 合成器。
改进的性能:通过代码优化和新增的硬件加速功能,DOSBox-X 能够提供比原版 DOSBox 更流畅的游戏体验,特别是在处理图形密集型游戏时。
高级配置选项:为高级用户提供了更多自定义设置,包括 CPU 仿真选项、内存管理、视频和音频设置等,使得用户能够根据硬件配置和具体需求进行微调。
跨平台支持:如同 DOSBox,DOSBox-X 也是跨平台的,支持 Windows、macOS、Linux 以及其他一些操作系统,确保广泛的用户基础都能享受到服务。
社区支持与活跃开发:DOSBox-X 是一个活跃开发的项目,拥有一个热情的开发者和用户社区,不断推出新功能和修复问题,以适应不断变化的技术环境和用户需求。
DOSBox-X 是一款功能强大、高度可配置的 DOS 模拟器,它不仅为复古游戏爱好者提供了重温经典游戏的机会,也为需要在现代系统上运行老式 DOS 应用的用户提供了便利。无论是出于怀旧还是专业需求,DOSBox-X 都是一个值得尝试的强大工具。
DOSBox 中文设置
Main – Load Language File… – zh_CN.lng,会弹出重启软件提示,重启后在主菜单中再选择重启 DOSBox-X 实例即可实现界面全中文。
DOSBox 许可证
GPL 2.0
- Added new experimental dosbox.conf option that turns off the
A20 gate automatically if loading a COM/EXE file to a memory
location below 64KB. Option is off by default. This is intended
for the startup routines of programs that assume 8086 wraparound
to prevent them from crashing (joncampbell123). - Bump tinyfiledialogs to v3.19.1 (maron2000)
- Fix VGA render-on-demand bug that causes all screen updates to
stop working if something changes video state without changing
any other attribute (width, height, frame rate, etc.). In
PC-98 mode this bug could be triggered by leaving the text
layer open while switching off the graphics layer when the
graphics layer is in 256-color PEGC mode. Fix for KOARMADA.EXE
when exiting back to the DOS prompt. (joncampbell123). - In PC-98 mode, add I/O port 43Bh which guest applications can
then read to determine whether the 15MB "memory hole" is open.
The guest can use this bit to determine whether the PEGC 256-color
framebuffer is available at that location, or whether that is
just plain system memory. Added for homebrew PC-9821 project
KOARMADA.EXE which uses that bit to determine how to talk to
the framebuffer. (joncampbell123). - Fix keyboard ISR in PC-98 mode to assume there is data waiting
from the keyboard I/O ports (then check the status for more).
The reason is that CWSDPMI.EXE for PC-98 has a keyboard ISR
of it's own that reads the scan code first (which clears the
"data available" bit) before then passing control to the
real-mode keyboard ISR. If our keyboard ISR first checks for
status in that case it will never see any keyboard data and
keyboard input will never register to the guest while running
under CWSDPMI (joncampbell123). - Fix BIOS POST location (F000:FFF0) JMP instruction in PC-98 mode
so that the segment value of the JMP instruction matches a
specific value that the DJGPP C runtime checks for to detect
PC-98. (joncampbell123). - Stop serving IBM PC-specific CWSDPMI.EXE in NEC PC-98 mode.
It happens to work unless any interrupt or exception happens.
Instead, provide an alternate common version of CWSDPMI.EXE
that was patched to support PC-98 machines when machine=pc98
(joncampbell123). - Add support for ucrt64 builds (maron2000)
- DOS CTRL+C handling: Remove NULL vector check because built-in
COMMAND.COM long ago was fixed to provide a CTRL+C vector. Fix
code to use a different value for the C++ exception so that it
cannot be confused for any other common signal in the emulator
(joncampbell123). - Remove DOSBox Integration Device VGA "self capture",
which was never used much anyway, as part of cleanup (joncampbell123). - x86 paging: Remove unused non-"full TLB" code. (joncampbell123).
- Use mmap() to allocate system memory if available. This is
for future work that may involve something that requires
page-aligned allocation, such as KVM support in Linux (joncampbell123). - VGA cleanup, organization (joncampbell123).
- Fixed regression of specifying DBCS fontx file was ignored. (maron2000)
- Fixed mistakes in adding double quotes to filenames to pass to IMGMOUNT
command, and syntax errors in showing a message dialog box. (maron2000) - Fixed bug where bios memSize was not set when using TTF. (maitchison)
- Fixed CMS was always disabled regardless of config settings. (xrip)
- Switch off TTF mode in text modes not working in TTF mode. (maron2000)
- Gravis Ultrasound: Add dosbox.conf option that when enabled,
prints a warning to the log file every time the guest pokes
data into GUS RAM beyond the 1MB supported by the card,
in order to better identify errant Demoscene code and/or
any bugs in new tracker code currently in development. (joncampbell123) - VGA: Fix buffer overrun that can occur with 4bpp planar
16-color modes if the guest writes beyond the first 2MB
of video RAM. The planar support code also copies the 3rd
bitplane to a font RAM array used in EGA/VGA text mode.
This font RAM array is only 512KB, therefore in planar
memory space, writes beyond (2MB/4) = 512KB cause corruption
of emulator state and possibly crashes. Solve the issue
therefore by not copying to font RAM beyond 512KB. (joncampbell123) - VESA BIOS support: Fix VGA draw and bank switching code
to ensure that the guest cannot write outside video RAM
limits, and fix VBE bank switching code to consider 4bpp
planar SVGA modes properly. (joncampbell123) - VESA BIOS support: Fix scan line and page calculations related
to 4bpp planar 16-color SVGA modes. (joncampbell123) - VESA BIOS support: Fix 24bpp RGB bugs related to VBE calls
that control scan line length and display panning/scrolling.
Now VBETEST can test 24bpp panning without potentially giving
the user an epileptic seizure, and there are no more overlong
scanlines. (joncampbell123) - VESA BIOS support: Correct mode information for SVGA text modes (joncampbell123)
- VESA BIOS support: Like real Pentium-era hardware, do not
list 4bpp planar 16-color modes as having a linear framebuffer.
Most SVGA cards only support planar VGA memory within the
standard VGA A0000-BFFFFh region and do not support the same
up in the linear framebuffer area. (joncampbell123) - Save state support: Let the option to control whether or not
compression is applied, apply to the ZIP compression. If you
turn off compression, the ZIP file uses "store" mode instead,
otherwise compresses as normal. (joncampbell123) - It turns out that for whatever reason, the savestate code was
compressing the state twice. Once by itself, and then again when
writing to the ZIP archive. Furthermore, storing the original
length at the end of the compressed data using size_t is a big
problem. Remove the extra compression/decompression and let the
ZIP file support do the compression. Save states from now on
will be marked as "No compression" for at least some backwards
compatibility. (joncampbell123) - Volume label cleanup and fixes. Do not pad labels with white spaces. (maron2000)
- Some NEC PC-98 games that support MIDI through MPU-401 like to use
Roland GS-specific SysEx messages to control master volume and
reset the MIDI synth, instead of standard messages. These games
were known in DOSBox-X to have problems with MIDI stuck notes and
hanging notes for this reason. Added code to recognize Roland GS
reset SysEx and reissue it as standard MIDI reset, to resolve that.
Added code to Fluidsynth MIDI support to recognize the Roland GS
master volume SysEx commands and apply it to the output, which
allows these games to "fade out" the MIDI properly. PC-98 games
should no longer have hanging/stuck MIDI notes (joncampbell123). - Fix VESA BIOS modelist mistake that marked all "high definition"
modes as modes to round bytes per line up to a power of 2 (joncampbell123) - Fix memory size register determination for S3 Virge/VX (clbianco)
- Fixed a Y2038 bug by replacing Int32x32To64 with regular multiplication.
(CookiePLMonster) - Fixed pasting Bell code (0x07) from clipboard was ignored. (maron2000)
- Fixed a segfault crash when pasting the content of clipboard is empty
or consists of invalid characters only. (maron2000) - Fixed crash when trying to access MOUNTed empty physical CD/Floppy
drives. (maron2000)
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