Wi-Fi 6E 的继任者可能还需要一年多的时间,但它有望显着提高无线连接的速度和稳定性。

虽然很多人只是最近才升级到Wi-Fi 6,有些人可能正在考虑跳到 Wi-Fi 6E,他们的继任者已经在筹备中。Wi-Fi 7 是即将到来的下一个重大进步,并且,就像它的前身一样,新标准承诺更快的连接、更低的延迟,以及比以往任何时候都能优雅地管理更多连接的能力。

如果您现在正在寻求改善您的 Wi-Fi,Wi-Fi 7 不是答案,因为距离它还有一年多的时间(实际上,在我们大多数人应该考虑它之前,它会比这更长一段时间)。如果您需要立即升级,请先考虑深入研究如何购买路由器,然后再查看我们精选的最佳 Wi-Fi 路由器和最佳网状 Wi-Fi 系统。
什么是 Wi-Fi 7?

第 7 代 Wi-Fi 承诺对 Wi-Fi 6 和 6E 进行重大改进,速度可提高四倍。它还包括减少延迟、增加容量以及提高稳定性和效率的巧妙改进。

Wi-Fi 7 在旧命名约定中是 IEEE 802.11be,其中 Wi-Fi 6 是 IEEE 802.11ax,而 Wi-Fi 5 是 IEEE 802.11ac。与之前的标准一样,Wi-Fi 7 将向后兼容。但要利用它承诺的新功能和改进的性能,您需要升级您的设备。这意味着购买新的路由器和接入点,更不用说新的智能手机、笔记本电脑、电视等了。
Wi-Fi 7 将带来哪些好处?

Wi-Fi 7 将更快,支持更多连接,并且更具适应性以保持可靠的低延迟性能。

这些优势将有助于提供高质量的视频和更好的云游戏,它们将服务于需要高吞吐量和低延迟的 AR 和 VR 应用程序。Wi-Fi 7 还可以解决拥塞和干扰问题,为设备密集或相邻网络重叠的区域带来实实在在的好处。后者对于企业和更大的场所最为重要。
Wi-Fi 7 与 Wi-Fi 6E 相比如何?

可以理解,您可能想知道 Wi-Fi 7 与 Wi-Fi 6E 的区别是什么,Wi-Fi 6E 通过开放 6-GHz 频段广泛承诺与以前的标准相同的优势。特别是因为 Wi-Fi 7 将使用相同的三个 2.4-GHz、5-GHz 和 6-GHz 频段。以下是一些值得注意的升级。

每个频段被分成多个频道。2.4 GHz 频段包括 11 个通道,每个通道的频率为 20 兆赫 (MHz)。5-GHz 频段有 45 个通道,但不限于 20-MHz 的宽度,它们可以组合成 40-MHz 或 80-MHz 的通道。6-GHz 频段支持 60 个通道,使用 Wi-Fi 6E,它们可以高达 160 MHz。Wi-Fi 7 支持高达 320 MHz 宽的频道。通道越宽,它可以传输的数据就越多。

更高的 QAM

正交幅度调制 (QAM) 是一种以射频波传输和接收数据的方法。它越高,您可以包含的信息就越多。Wi-Fi 7 支持 4K-QAM,Wi-Fi 6 支持 1024-QAM,而 Wi-Fi 5 仅限于 256-QAM。

潜在的好处因信号强度、背景噪声和干扰而变得复杂。因此,随着 QAM 的增加,范围会下降,您需要更强的信号。因此,Wi-Fi 6 中跃升至 1024-QAM 的数据速率比 Wi-Fi 5 提高了约 25%。Wi-Fi 7 中跃升至 4K-QAM 意味着峰值性能提高了 20%。

Wi-Fi 7 中最令人兴奋的进步可能是多链路操作 (MLO)。每个以前的 Wi-Fi 标准都在单个频段上的两个设备之间建立连接。即使是三频 Wi-Fi 6E 路由器也可以将两个设备连接到一个固定信道上的单个频段上(路由器决定是在 2.4-GHz、5-GHz 还是 6-GHz 频段上连接)。

MLO 可以将跨频段的多个频率组合成一个连接。Wi-Fi 7 路由器可以同时通过不同频段的两个或多个通道连接到 Wi-Fi 7 设备。MLO 可能使更宽的通道能够传输更多数据——回到我们的高速公路类比,您可以同时在高速公路和高速公路上发送流量。

速度并不总是优先考虑的,但 MLO 还允许更高效的性能。Wi-Fi 7 路由器可以考虑拥塞和其他干扰,并在最佳信道上传输以绕过它,切换以保持稳定的连接和低延迟。

Wi-Fi 7 还增强了 OFDMA、MU-MIMO 和 TWT 等现有技术,我们在Wi-Fi 6E 解释器中对此进行了讨论。
Wi-Fi 7 何时可用?

我们可能需要一年多的时间才能看到第一批 Wi-Fi 7 设备和路由器推出,但新标准已经开始形成。

高通公司推出了其Wi-Fi 7 芯片组和 Networking Pro 系列平台,该平台可以通过 16 个流提供高达 33 Gbps 的四频连接。合作伙伴已经在努力将其技术集成到设备中。博通和联发科也宣布了 Wi-Fi 7 技术。随着新标准的确定和Wi-Fi 联盟的正式指定,未来几个月无疑会有更多供应商宣布他们的计划。

即使 Wi-Fi 7 确实到来,它也不会扫除 Wi-Fi 6。这两者很可能在未来很多年作为互补技术共存。

The successor to Wi-Fi 6E may be more than a year away, but it promises to significantly improve the speed and stability of wireless connections.


While many people have only recently upgraded to Wi-Fi 6, some may be considering jumping to Wi-Fi 6E, and their successors are already in the pipeline. Wi-Fi 7 is the next big advancement coming, and, like its predecessor, the new standard promises faster connections, lower latency, and the ability to manage more connections gracefully than ever before .

If you're looking to improve your Wi-Fi right now, Wi-Fi 7 is not the answer, as it's still over a year away (actually, it's going to be longer than that before most of us should think about it) ). If you need an upgrade right away, consider delving into how to buy a router before checking out our picks for the best Wi-Fi routers and best mesh Wi-Fi systems.
What is Wi-Fi 7?

The 7th generation of Wi-Fi promises major improvements over Wi-Fi 6 and 6E, delivering up to four times the speed. It also includes clever improvements to reduce latency, increase capacity, and improve stability and efficiency.

Wi-Fi 7 is IEEE 802.11be in the old naming convention, Wi-Fi 6 is IEEE 802.11ax, and Wi-Fi 5 is IEEE 802.11ac. Like the previous standard, Wi-Fi 7 will be backward compatible. But to take advantage of the new features and improved performance it promises, you'll need to upgrade your device. That means buying new routers and access points, not to mention new smartphones, laptops, TVs, etc.
What benefits will Wi-Fi 7 bring?

Wi-Fi 7 will be faster, support more connections, and be more adaptable to maintain reliable low-latency performance.

These advantages will help deliver high-quality video and better cloud gaming, which will serve AR and VR applications that require high throughput and low latency. Wi-Fi 7 can also address congestion and interference issues, bringing real benefits to areas where devices are dense or where adjacent networks overlap. The latter are most important for businesses and larger venues.
How does Wi-Fi 7 compare to Wi-Fi 6E?

Understandably, you might be wondering what differentiates Wi-Fi 7 from Wi-Fi 6E, which broadly promises the same benefits as previous standards by opening up the 6-GHz band. Especially since Wi-Fi 7 will use the same three 2.4-GHz, 5-GHz, and 6-GHz bands. Here are some notable upgrades.
wider channels

Each frequency band is divided into multiple channels. The 2.4 GHz band includes 11 channels, each at 20 megahertz (MHz). The 5-GHz band has 45 channels, but is not limited to 20-MHz width, and they can be combined into 40-MHz or 80-MHz channels. The 6-GHz band supports 60 channels, and with Wi-Fi 6E, they can go up to 160 MHz. Wi-Fi 7 supports channels up to 320 MHz wide. The wider the channel, the more data it can transmit.

A simple analogy is to imagine how much traffic a single-lane road can handle compared to a three-lane highway or a six-lane highway.
higher QAM

Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) is a method of transmitting and receiving data on radio frequency waves. The higher it is, the more information you can include. Wi-Fi 7 supports 4K-QAM, Wi-Fi 6 supports 1024-QAM, and Wi-Fi 5 is limited to 256-QAM.

Potential benefits are compounded by signal strength, background noise, and interference. So as the QAM increases, the range goes down and you need a stronger signal. As a result, the jump to 1024-QAM data rate in Wi-Fi 6 is about 25% higher than in Wi-Fi 5. The jump to 4K-QAM in Wi-Fi 7 means a 20% increase in peak performance.
Multilink operation

Perhaps the most exciting advancement in Wi-Fi 7 is Multi-Link Operation (MLO). Every previous Wi-Fi standard established a connection between two devices on a single frequency band. Even a tri-band Wi-Fi 6E router can connect two devices to a single band on a fixed channel (the router decides whether to connect on the 2.4-GHz, 5-GHz, or 6-GHz band).

MLO can combine multiple frequencies across frequency bands into a single connection. Wi-Fi 7 routers can connect to Wi-Fi 7 devices simultaneously through two or more channels on different frequency bands. MLO could potentially enable wider channels to carry more data - going back to our highway analogy, you can send traffic on a highway and a highway at the same time.

Speed ​​is not always a priority, but MLO also allows for more efficient performance. Wi-Fi 7 routers can take congestion and other interference into account and transmit on the best channel to bypass it, switching to maintain a stable connection and low latency.

Wi-Fi 7 also enhances existing technologies such as OFDMA, MU-MIMO, and TWT, which we discuss in our Wi-Fi 6E explainer.
When will Wi-Fi 7 be available?

It may be more than a year before we see the first Wi-Fi 7 devices and routers rolling out, but the new standard is already starting to take shape.

Qualcomm unveiled its Wi-Fi 7 chipset and Networking Pro series of platforms, which can provide quad-band connectivity at up to 33 Gbps over 16 streams. Partners are already working on integrating their technology into devices. Broadcom and MediaTek also announced Wi-Fi 7 technology. As new standards are finalized and the Wi-Fi Alliance officially designated, there will no doubt be more vendors announcing their plans in the coming months.

Even if Wi-Fi 7 does arrive, it won't sweep Wi-Fi 6. The two are likely to coexist as complementary technologies for many years to come.
