三国群侠传怎么收吕布 首先我们去西羌,就是在武威下面的那个小帐篷,进去先和西羌王对话,先把所谓的西羌第一勇士干一遍,这场战斗比较简单。






First, let's go to Xiqiang, which is the small tent under Wuwei, and talk to the king of Xiqiang first, and fight the so-called first warrior of Xiqiang first. This battle is relatively simple.

Then go to the Xiqiang racecourse to catch the red rabbit. Of course it will not be so easy for you. Going to the Xiqiang king will give you two options.

One is to win a one-on-one battle with the Xiqiang king. This battle is difficult, and there are few places to move the map. If the strength is not strong, the Xiqiang king will kill him with a single hit. The second is to go to the following map of Xiqiang If you fight a wolf in a certain position, there is a chance that you will lose the wolf king's skin, which can be exchanged with the Xiqiang king. Don't choose three, you can't take it after you choose.

You can't enter the Chitu Xiqiang if you take it. Remember to take it with a lottery from King Wen of the weapon shop. Then we went to Luoyang and gave the red rabbit to Lu Bu, then we will be the master with Lu Bu. Here we start to pay attention to our own attributes, requiring benevolence and wisdom to be greater than 80, and if we are not satisfied, accept generals and adjust them.

First go out of Luoyang and then enter, go to Lu Bu first, trigger it to persuade it to leave Dong Zhuo, then go to Tianxiang Pavilion to find Diaochan, drag it to the small room and choose the third option to ask her to persuade Lu Bu.

Go out of Luoyang first and then enter. When you go to Lu Bu, you will find Diao Chan and Lu Bu together. After that, you can go to the private house on the left side of Xinye to accept Lu Bu and Diao Chan into the team.
How to accept Lu Bu in the legend of heroes of the Three Kingdoms
