#Windows 11 新系统适应#-002 win11任务栏图标默认合并如何设置为不合并?

#windows 11 New system adaptation#-002 How to set win11 taskbar icons to not merge by default?
Official answer

Budding Rain Creation Date 2021/06/30
Why doesn't WIN11 set the option of not merging the taskbar?
I want to not merge the taskbar, display the name of the application, and there is no setting to always display all icons in the notification area.

A Big Blue Whale Independent Consultant Response Date 2021/06/30

Welcome to consult the Microsoft community, I am Independent Advisor Zhang

Sorry, Windows 11 does not currently have this option. Regarding the taskbar tray, you can open the settings, personalization, taskbar, and open all the contents in the Taskbar corner overflow.

If you have a reply, please reply within 48 hours, the timeout issue will be closed

Obviously, the current preview version of win11 system does not support taskbar icon merging by default. How to set it to not merge

That is, the non-merged settings of win10 and previous old systems win8 and win7 cannot be used at present

Let's take a look at the settings of the old system win10

If the new version after win11 still does not have this option, then this feature will be history forever

Take a look at the settings of 11

Hope that one day the official version can be restored!

This site will publish the tutorial as soon as possible after the new version supports the modification and does not merge! Please pay attention to thirty-one degrees

Let Win11 use the old version of the taskbar, support canceling icon merging


萌芽之雨创建日期 2021/06/30

A Big 蓝鲸独立顾问回复日期 2021/06/30

欢迎咨询微软社区,我是独立顾问(Independent Advisor) Zhang

很抱歉,Windows 11暂时确实没有此选项。关于任务栏托盘,您可以打开设置,个性化,任务栏,在Taskbar corner overflow, 将其中的内容全部打开。


很显然 目前的预览版win11系统是不支持任务栏图标默认合并如何设置为不合并

也就是win10及以前老系统 win8 win7的不合并设置 目前不能用

我们来看看老系统的设置 win10

如果win11以后的新版本仍然没此选项 那么 此功能将永远成为历史


希望有一天 正式版可以恢复!

本站将于新版本支持修改不合并后 第一时间发布教程! 请关注 三十一度

让 Win11 使用旧版任务栏,支持取消图标合并


WIN11怎么没有设置任务栏不合并的选项? - Microsoft Community

Win11合并任务栏按钮到哪儿去了?-远景论坛-微软极客社区 (pcbeta.com)

win11.2000.51版本还是不能取消合并任务栏?-远景论坛-微软极客社区 (pcbeta.com)

win11 的状态栏图标怎么才能不合并啊-远景论坛-微软极客社区 (pcbeta.com)




StartAllBack(开始菜单增强工具) v3.5.6.4575 修改版
下面这个神器可以解决win11 反人类 右键  任务栏无法图标不合并 开始菜单复古 等问题可以全部解决