#科普# #研究# 由电骡爱好者(https://www.emulefans.com/ )网站模板 找到的Sandbox空白主题 Sandbox Theme

Sandbox blank theme found by eMule Fans (https://www.emulefans.com/) website template Sandbox Theme

WordPress Sandbox theme introductionSandbox is a theme for theme designers. It can be easily replaced by another skin (Translator's Note: It feels a bit like a K2 theme here), so beginners only need to understand CSS to style it. Experienced designers will covet its rich semantic markup and abundant Classes dynamically generated by some functions.

So Sandbox contains many things:

The inner beauty of the code
Compatible with WordPress 2.0.2 - 2.2.x
Compliant with XHTML 1.0 Transitional
Friendly support Widgets plugin
A new basic, GPL-licensed theme

The process of theme generation: Andy added some innovative semantic class generation functions, so that Scott's original theme became an advanced semantic-based theme.

What can you do with Sandbox?

You can just think of it as having a super cool, truly concise theme.
You can customize it entirely through CSS alone - without having to touch other files.
Just as your own theme, you can modify functions and theme files
You can use it as a good place to learn CSS, XHTML, maybe you can also learn the following PHP

Sandbox download link: The Sandbox

This article is translated from: The Sandbox, based on personal understanding, some of the content may not be faithful to the original text.

Some links to Sandbox
Scott's blog: plaintxt.org

Andy's blog: Andy Skelton

Sandbox official address: Sandbox Designs Competition

Sandbox Forum: Sandbox Forums

3 tutorials on SandBox theme making
Wordpress CSS Tip: Design for Sandbox Theme in a sandbox

Sandbox (CSS) Design Competition Tutorial

Sandbox Guide and Check List


WordPress Sandbox 主题介绍

Sandbox 是一个给主题设计者的主题。它能够轻易的被换一个皮(译者注:这里感觉有点像 K2 主题),所以初学者只需了解 CSS 就能够样式化它。有经验的设计师则会垂涎于它的丰富的语义标记和由一些函数动态产生的充沛的 Classes 。


所以 Sandbox 包含了很多东西:

  • 代码的内在美
  • 兼容 WordPress 2.0.2 -- 2.2.x
  • 符合 XHTML 1.0 Transitional
  • 友好支持 Widgets plugin
  • 一个全新的基础的,GPL 授权的主题

主题产生的过程:Andy 增加了一些创新性的语义 class 产生函数,从而使 Scott 的原始主题成为一个高级的语义基础的主题。

你能对 Sandbox 做什么呢?

  • 你可以仅仅把它当作是有一个超级酷的,真正最简洁的主题。
  • 你可以完全只通过 CSS 来定制化它 -- 而不必去动别的文件。
  • 只是作为你自己的主题的时候,你可以修改函数和主题文件
  • 你可以把它作为学习 CSS,XHTML 的一个好地方,也许也可以学以下 PHP

Sandbox 下载地址:The Sandbox

本文翻译自:The Sandbox,根据个人理解翻译,可能部分内容未忠于原文。

Sandbox 的一些链接

  • Scott 的博客:plaintxt.org
  • Andy 的博客:Andy Skelton
  • Sandbox 官方地址:Sandbox Designs Competition
  • Sandbox 论坛:Sandbox Forums
  • 3篇关于 SandBox 主题制作的教程
    • WordPress CSS Tip: Design for Sandbox Theme in a sandbox
    • Sandbox (CSS) Design Competition Tutorial
    • Sandbox Guide and Check List
  • http://code.google.com/p/sandbox-theme/w/list

本段寨子 https://blog.wpjam.com/2007/08/07/introduce-to-sandbox/

Essentials for newbies in WordPress theme creation: Sandbox Theme

Some friends are asking, how do you write those WP functions? In fact, there is very little to write by myself, because there is Sandbox theme (Google Code Archive-Long-term storage for Google Code Project Hosting.) as the basis to make a theme. Most of the work I have to do is to write CSS. And a small amount of work is to draw pictures by yourself, and go to Codex (Template Tags «WordPress Codex) to find the WP function you need.
Do you also want to make WP themes? You also learned CSS, but it is difficult to make a real theme for one person? In fact, a lot of CSS requires practice to know its true usefulness. For example, the book says very little, very simple positioning, in fact, there are many advantages that float can't replace. You really need practice to improve your skills. As users of WP, we will feel very lucky because there are many plugins and themes, especially the best communities. Sandbox theme is something similar to this nature, which can save you a lot of time in making themes.

The following is the basic structure of Sandbox Theme, which was written by small potato from Wpdesigner.com, a well-known WordPress theme production site. This may help you understand this blank topic.

WordPress主题制作新手必备品: Sandbox Theme

有一些朋友在问,你是怎么写那些WP的函数的呢?其实,需要自己写的很少,因为有 Sandbox theme ( Google Code Archive - Long-term storage for Google Code Project Hosting. )作为基础,制作一个主题,我所要做的大部分工作就是写CSS而已。而少量的工作是自己画图,并且去Codex(Template Tags « WordPress Codex)那里找自己需要的WP函数。
你也想做WP主题吗?你也学了CSS,但却很难做出一人真正的主题?事实上,CSS很多需要实践,才能知道其真正的用处。比如,书中说得非常少,非常简单的定位,事实上有很多浮动代替不了的优点。你非常需要实践,以提高自己的技巧。作为WP的用户,我们会感觉非常幸运,因为有很多的插件和主题,特别是最优秀的社区。Sandbox theme就是类似于这种性质的东西,可以节省你很多做主题的时间。

下面是Sandbox Theme的基本结构,是由著名的Wordpress主题制作站Wpdesigner.com的small potato编写的。这个或许会对你了解这个空白主题有帮助。

div#wrapper [.hfeed]
sandbox_globalnav() [div#menu]
div#nav-above [.navigation]
div#post-the_ID() [sandbox_post_class()]
span.author (.vcard)
div#nav-above [.navigation]
div#primary [.sideabar]
div#secondary [.sidebar]

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