MX Linux 23 发布了第一个 RC。MX Linux 是一个面向桌面的 Linux 发行版,它基于 Debian 稳定分支,提供了 Xfce、Fluxbox 和 KDE/plasma 三种桌面环境供用户选择。MX Linux 以其简单、稳定、可靠和高效的特点受到了许多用户的喜爱。近日,MX Linux 23 发布了第一个候选版本,代号为 “Libretto”,它采用了 Debian 12 作为底层系统,引入了一些新的特性和改进,例如支持 swap 文件、默认启用 UFW 防火墙、优化了安装程序和更新器等。本文将介绍 MX Linux 23 RC1 的主要亮点和下载方式。

MX Linux 是基于 Debian 稳定分支的面向桌面的 Linux 发行,它是 antiX 及早先的 MEPIS Linux 社区合作的产物。它采用 Xfce 作为默认桌面环境,是一份中量级操作系统,并被设计为优雅而高效的桌面与如下特性的结合:配置简单、高度稳定、性能可靠、占用空间不大也不小。

新版本代号为 "Libretto",底层采用的是 Debian 12,提供了三个桌面环境:Xfce 4.18、Fluxbox 1.3.7 和 KDE/plasma 5.27。


默认 init 系统采用 sysVinit,systemd 仍保留作为可选项
此版本基于 beta 2 构建,包括所有错误修复和最新更改,以及默认壁纸和主题
安装程序现在支持 swapfiles 以及 swap 分区
“常规” 自动安装将默认为 swap 文件
MX-Updater 重新使用 apt 作为默认后端
默认启用 UFW
其他安装程序的变更包括 GUI 调整、部分 debconf 值的设置以使旧版 grub-pc 更新更加无缝

MX Linux 23 RC1 是一个值得关注的桌面 Linux 发行版,它继承了 Debian 的稳定性和安全性,同时提供了多种桌面环境和丰富的应用程序,满足不同用户的需求和喜好。MX Linux 23 RC1 目前仅供测试使用,正式版预计将于 2023 年初发布。如果你对 MX Linux 感兴趣,你可以从官网下载 ISO 镜像,并在虚拟机或实体机上安装体验。如果你在使用过程中遇到任何问题或建议,你可以通过论坛或邮件列表与开发者和社区交流。希望你能享受 MX Linux 带来的优雅而高效的桌面体验!

MX-23 “Libretto” Release Candidate 1 (RC1) now available
July 14, 2023

MX-23 RC1 iso images
–direct downloads:

***A major issue with the installer was found on the shipping ISOS that could wipe ESP partitions, even if not selected for installation. Please update the installer (23.07.06mx23) BEFORE running any installs.

***Files have been removed from our servers pending a new RC2 with a fixed installer. Expected July 15.

32 bit Xfce with debian standard 6.1 kernel sha256_checksum md5_checksum signature
64 bit Xfce with debian standard 6.1 kernel sha256_checksum md5_checksum signature
AHS 64 bit Xfce with 6.3 kernel sha256_checksum md5_checksum signature

64 bit KDE/plasma with debian standard 6.1 kernel sha256_checksum md5_checksum signature

32 bit Fluxbox with debian standard 6.1 kernel sha256_checksum md5_checksum signature
64 bit Fluxbox with debian standard 6.1 kernel sha256_checksum md5_checksum signature

MX-23 RC1 is now available for testing. MX-23 is built from debian 12 “bookworm” and MX repositories. As in past releases, the MX will default to sysVinit but systemd remains an option for installed systems. Updates from RC to final are fully supported.

This release builds upon beta 2, and includes all bug fixes and changes to date, including default wallpapers and theming as well as updated translations and applications.

In this release we are very interested in installer testing. Many bugs related to btrfs installations have been addressed. The installer has received many updates since beta2. The Installer now supports swapfiles as well as swap partitions. The “regular” auto installation will default to swapfiles. There are many other installer changes, including gui adjustments (layout builder in the custom install partitions area), setting of some debconf value to make legacy grub-pc updates more seamless, various fixes for grub install functions and cleanup of “dump” entries that might be clogging up a user’s nvram. There is also additional help guidance right in the installer gui.

The live boot menus now have a more obvious “check media” function in the top level menu. The media will be checked and boot will continue if things look good.

Major Desktop versions
Xfce 4.18
Fluxbox 1.3.7
KDE/plasma 5.27

Accessibility: All release now include orca screen reader and a screen magnifier tool. Fluxbox and Xfce have magnus screen magnifier, and KDE/plasma uses kmag. At this time due to debian’s orca packaging, orca does not appear in the menus but can be launched manually. In particular orca is configurable in KDE’s integrated accessibility settings.

Xfce is using xfce4-screensaver for screen locking chores instead of light-locker. This is proving to be more stable for some users.

MX Tools: Many mx apps have been updated with bug fixes and enhancements. All tools now launch with individual policy kit configurations rather than using the blanket mx-pkexec from past releases. mx-pkexec is not preinstalled.

The very popular MX Snapshot has received a lot of attention to help users customize their snapshot boot options while automatically filtering out option that might prevent the created live system from starting up on different machines.

MX-Updater is back to using apt for a default backend, as nala turned out to have unforeseen issues.

All releases use pipewire & wireplumber instead of pulseaudio.

UFW firewall is enabled by default.

There are many new configuration options for the fluxbox release, as well as special “appfinder” configurations for rofi (replacing xfce4-appfinder). the fluxbox release relies much less on Xfce applications, but retains thunar for the file manager. mx-tweak’s theme module now has support for theming on fluxbox.

The KDE/Plasma received several tweaks to the settings to deal with new configuration options available in plasma 5.27. Root actions remain in dolphin, including root dolphin instances via the root service menu actions.

With this RC1 we are particularly interested in testing the installer, including traditional ext4 and btrfs installations, encrypted installs, as well as bug hunting the mx-tools, especially mx-packageinstaller->popular apps entries.

Known issues:

Timeshift will not recognize a btrfs partition for snapshots if on an encrypted partition.

Feedback for testing should be via forum post according to desktop version downloaded:


Be sure to include proper system data, including the output of quick-system-info.
If posting nvidia-installer (ddm-mx) issues, please post the contents of /var/log/ddm.log.
If posting remaster issues, please include the contents of /var/log/live/live-remaster.log
If posting installer issues, please include the contents of /var/log/minstall.log
If posting issues with MX-PackageInstaller “Popular Apps”, please post contents of /var/log/mxpi.log or /var/log/mxpi.log.old (whichever contains the log of your issue).

Thank you!

Dolphin Oracle (on behalf of the MX Dev Team)
