很不幸  自己的一个站点遇到了 管理员账户登录显示 502 Bad Gateway 即使删除插件文件 问题依旧

最后我修改了插件文件夹名称 然后按照

这个方法  停用所有插件

然后换了一个chrome 全新浏览器  再次登录 ok了  分享下经验



I am have login as user on my live website, I am using wps hide login (not sure if this is conflicting) but when I log in as user I am getting 502 Bad Gateway.

Please could someone look into this.

Thank you for your message.

Does this help you? https://docs.web357.com/article/105-502-bad-gateway-messages-after-clicking-the-login-as-a-user-button

Let me know, please.

"502 Bad Gateway messages" after clicking the "Login as a User" button
If you get a "502 Bad Gateway" message after clicking on the "Login as a User" button, follow the instructions below.

Navigate to the domain settings (Plesk or cPanel), via your hosting provider panel, go to the Apache & Nginx Settings and add the following in the box "Additional Nginx directives".

proxy_buffering on;
proxy_buffer_size 128k;
proxy_buffers 4 256k;
proxy_busy_buffers_size 256k;

fastcgi_buffers 16 16k;
fastcgi_buffer_size 32k;
This is a known issue on WordPress. If you are unfamiliar with editing the server settings, it's better to ask your hosting provider to do this.
