
Speaking of free SSL certificates, I believe many friends will think of FreeSSL.cn, but due to domestic policy reasons, the website requires users to bind their mobile phone numbers. Do you dislike it? For those who do not like to bind real-name authentication, I recommend you to use LookSSL, which is more convenient and easy to use than FreeSSL.
LookSSL official website: https://www.lookssl.com/ What is an SSL certificate? An SSL certificate is a server digital certificate that complies with the SSL protocol and is issued by a trusted root certificate authority. The SSL certificate uses the SSL protocol for communication. After the SSL certificate is deployed to the server, the server-side access will enable the HTTPS protocol. Your website will transmit data through the HTTPS encryption protocol, which can help establish an encrypted link between the server and the client to ensure the security of data transmission.
Contents of this article 1. Introduction to LookSSL 2. Free SSL certificate application for LookSSL 3. Recommendations for other free SSL certificate websites 4. Answers to common questions about LookSSL 1. Introduction to LookSSL LookSSL is a completely free SSL certificate application website that supports DNS, files, and mailboxes. Flexible verification method, no need to bind mobile phone number, no need for real-name authentication.
2. LookSSL free SSL certificate application (1) Open the LookSSL.com website, enter your website address, and leave the rest as default, and then click "Create SSL Certificate". As shown in the figure below: (2) Choose the website verification method. There are three verification methods: FILE, DNS and EMAIL. I will use the "DNS" verification method to demonstrate here. The specific settings are shown in the figure below: If you are a novice, I suggest you select "Platform Generation", "Password Algorithm" and "Key Signature Hash Algorithm" to keep the default for CSR. In addition, you can also add other domain names through "Additional Domain Names" and apply them together. If you are not a closed beta user, please verify by email. (3) Register a LookSSL account. When we click the "Create" button, we will enter the LookSSL login page. If you have already registered an account, please log in directly; otherwise, please click the "register" button in the lower right corner, fill in the registered email address and password, and register a new account.
(4) Website domain name verification If you enter the DNS resolution of the domain name service provider, add a TXT record, the record value is a string of letters and numbers, and then click "Verify Now". As shown in the figure below: wait a moment, after the verification is passed, the SSL certificate will be automatically issued, and the verification is basically completed within 1 minute, which is quite fast. As shown in the figure below: 3. Other free SSL certificate sites recommend Let’s EncryptFreeSSL.org Cloudflare Free SSL/TLSCOMODO SSLCertbotOHTTPSSSL For FreeGoGetSSLSSL.comZeroSSLFreeSSL.cnFree SSL CertificateGet HTTPS for free 4. LookSSL FAQ (1) Is SSL certificate really free?
Yes, we have provided the basic single domain certificate for free. If you need higher requirements, you can choose our paid certificate.
(2) Why is SSL certificate free?
We are committed to improving Internet security and protecting the data transmission security of hundreds of millions of Internet users. When you purchase a payment certificate, we also help us make a great contribution to Internet security.
(3) Which verification methods (DCV) does the SSL certificate support?
We provide three flexible verification methods: DNS, file, and email. You can also change the verification method at any time on the service management page.
(4) How long can an SSL certificate be issued?
Usually, it will be issued within a few minutes after the verification is passed.
(5) How do I complete Domain Control Verification (DCV) for my SSL certificate?
1) Complete verification through the root domain through DNS verification (recommended)
The host type record value @ TXT b4ef88ffeaa1df04d75469e6f2aef8ff7a956eb08fa2180ede301b60aacc1111 completes the verification through the subdomain. The host type record value app TXT b4ef88ffeaa1df04d75469e6f2aef8ff7a956eb08fa2180ede301b60aacc11112 is verified by creating a text file under the HTTP verification directory and verifying the contents of your website through the HTTP verification. Write to this file.
Ensure that the authentication file you created can be accessed through the connection in the following format.
Http://your_domain_name.com/.well-known/pki-validation/certum.txt sample text content: b4ef88ffeaa1df04d75469e6f2aef8ff7a956eb08fa2180ede301b60aacc1111-certum.pl3) Verify by email During the certificate activation period, you will need to select an email address. Currently we only support email verification with the following prefixes.
admin@example.comadministrator@example.compostmaster@example.comwebmaster@example.comhostmaster@example.com When you choose the email verification method, you will receive an email from the certificate authority. You need to log in to your mailbox and click in the email Link and click "Approve" on the page.
4) About IP address certificate control verification (DCV)
For the IP address certificate (including the IP contained in the additional domain name), only HTTP-based authentication methods are supported **Free certificates do not support IP addresses.
Starting from July 1, 2018, Chrome will display all websites that do not use SSL certificates as "insecure", and the ranking of websites with SSL certificates will be improved. With the increasing awareness of network security among enterprises and netizens, the entire network is moving towards the era of full https. Encryption will be ubiquitous. SSL is used for encryption on a large scale in websites, apps, software, applets, etc. So, maybe you really need a free SSL certificate of your own to protect your website more securely.


什么是SSL证书?SSL证书是一种遵守SSL协议的服务器数字证书,由受信任的根证书颁发机构颁发。 SSL证书采用SSL协议进行通信,SSL证书部署到服务器后,服务器端的访问将启用HTTPS协议。 您的网站将会通过HTTPS加密协议来传输数据,可帮助服务器端和客户端之间建立加密链接,从而保证数据传输的安全。







(2)选择网站验证方式,有 FILE、DNS 和 EMAIL 三种验证方式,我这里以“DNS”方式验证进行演示。具体设置如下图所示:

















(5)如何为我的SSL证书完成域控制验证(DCV) ?


  • 通过根域完成验证(推荐)
  • 通过子域完成验证


在您的网站创建.well-known/pki-validation/ 目录下创建文件 certum.txt 并将验证文本内容写入此文件。






当您选择电子邮件验证方式,您将收到来自证书颁发机构的电子邮件,您需要登陆邮箱,点击邮件里的链接,并在页面中点击 “批准”。


对于IP地址证书(包括附加域名内包含IP),仅支持基于HTTP的验证方法 **免费证书不支持IP地址。

