Chevereto free 1.6x php7 Did you mean to use "continue 2"、 This file cannot be directly accessed.

Chevereto是免费的开源图床程序 近来换了维护人 就bug多多

今天重装的新图床 好家伙直接安装不上 提升 Did you mean to use "continue 2" 这个问题建议用php7.4以上

再就是程序的选择 现在github上有三个 一个是lite 我出错This file cannot be directly accessed. 就是因为用了这个安装包


后面我换成了 无lite的安装包 搞定 如下图 箭头指示安装包  其他版本通用

最终是通过更换安装包解决的 什么权限设置777 什么设置nginx配置文件 全部都是扯淡的 相信我 亲测



至于网上说的招 像 大多都是扯淡的 这里为了欺骗SE 就搬上来

"continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in file /data/gateway/remote/vendor/workerman/workerman/Protocols/Http.php on line 555

是不是该把这个改成continue 2?

改下源码 把continue 2换成 break试下   ok了

Chevereto can't create the app/settings.php file. You must manually create this file.

AMH 全部权限777 PHP5.4
This file cannot be directly accessed.

location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string;

这个相信我  没有用的  正常情况不加也正常 出错时候加上也白搭

Chevereto installation with mod_rewrite enabled
I try to install Chevereto free edition on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS with Apache 2.4.7. I get auto redirect to folder /install during installation process, which doesn't exists. /app/install/installer.php gives error message:

This file cannot be directly accessed.

Apache mod_rewrite is enabled. /install should be handled by index.php file.


Override has to be allowed in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf file.

<Directory /var/www/>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Require all granted

不好意思 我看不懂
