adsense 的付款周期为每月一次。

The payment cycle of adsense is once a month.
The service team will accumulate your estimated income for a whole month, and then determine your final income at the beginning of the next month, add it to the account balance and display it on the payment page.
If your balance exceeds the payment threshold and you have not set a payment hold, we will issue your payment from the 21st to the 26th of the month.
Please note that the exact time you receive your payment depends on your time zone, whether the 21st is a weekend or holiday, and the payment method you choose.
Specific payment time 3 days: We will determine your estimated income last month and publish it on your payment page.
You will see a line item on the payment page that shows the total revenue from your last month’s transactions.
Your payment page will also show various deductions related to adjustments or fees.
Please note that in the process of determining income, we have deducted your income generated by invalid activities, but you cannot see the line items of these deductions. Learn more about invalid activity deductions.
PS: If your total balance reaches the payment threshold and there is no payment suspension, the final YouTube earnings of the previous month will be transferred to your AdSense account balance between the 10th and 14th of this month, and will be Monthly payment.
20th: If you need to make changes to your payment information (including lifting the payment hold), you must complete them on or before the 20th of each month.
Changes made after the 20th of each month will not take effect until the next month’s payment cycle.
In addition, your total balance on the 20th of each month must reach the payment threshold.
If your balance has not reached the payment threshold or your account is on a payment hold, you will not receive any payments in that month and your balance will be carried over to the next month’s earnings.
21st to 26th: From 21st to 26th of each month, a "Paying" line will appear on the payment page, indicating that we have processed the income and paid it to your banking institution.
When this line item is updated to "payment has been issued", it means that our bank has agreed to make the payment and has been issued for processing.
7 working days: You will receive the payment within 7 working days after the payment is issued at the latest.
If you have not received the payment before the end of the month, please contact your banking institution.
Wire transfer payment may take 15 working days to be transferred to your account. The exact time it takes for the wire transfer to reach your bank account depends on the banking institution where your account is located.

Google Adsense 服务团队会将您一整个月的估算收入累积起来,然后在下个月月初确定您的最终收入,将其计入帐号余额并显示在付款页中。

如果您的余额超出付款最低限额,且您没有设置暂停付款状态,我们会在该月的 21 日至 26 日为您发放付款。

请注意,您收到付款的确切时间取决于您所在的时区、21 日是否为周末或节假日以及您选择的付款方式。



3 日:我们会确定您上个月的估算收入并将其公布到您的付款页上。




PS:如果您的总余额达到了付款最低限额且没有暂停付款问题,那么上个月的 YouTube 最终收入会于本月的 10 日至 14 日之间转到您的 AdSense 帐号余额上,并在本月支付。
20 日:

如果您需要对付款信息进行更改(包括解除暂停付款状态),请务必在每月的 20 日或之前完成。

每月 20 日之后进行的更改要到下一个月的付款周期才会生效。

此外,您每月 20 日的总余额必须达到付款最低限额。

21 日至 26 日:每月 21 日至 26 日,付款页上会显示一个“正在付款”专列项,表示我们已处理收入并将其支付给您的银行机构。

7 个工作日:您最晚会在付款发放后的 7 个工作日内收到付款。


电汇付款可能需要 15 个工作日的时间才能汇入您的账户。电汇到达您银行账户所需的具体时间取决于您账户所在的银行机构。
