相比较于 Twitter 在国外市场上短内容领域的地位,国内的微博肯定是远不能及的.




➼ 微博种草号淘客项目介绍


微博种草号淘客项目: 在京东、淘宝等筛选自带优惠券、高折扣产品,以自动化发送微博内容加图片的形式,运营多个专门的微博种草号,并赚取相应的淘客CPS佣金的自动化项目.

➼ 微博种草号淘客项目案例分析




案例一: @省钱白菜君



很多人对这个数字恐怕没什么概念.不怕,我们做一个简单的数学题.用59万条的数量,除以 (5年*365),最终得出一个数字: 337条/天.





  • 一句号召型的 Slogan
  • 促销价格 + 产品短标题
  • 9张产品配图


  • 一条 “领券下单” + 第三方跳转的淘客CPS链接
  • 一条 淘口令 + 美团饿了吗领红包链接Compared with Twitter's position in the short content field in foreign markets, domestic Weibo is definitely far beyond.
    In my personal opinion, Weibo is now declining. Not only is there a lack of high-quality content, but the overall quality of the user group is also worrying.
    However, this does not mean that Weibo is useless.
    For example, it is still quite a good idea to build a grass marketing account that automatically sends Weibo, and the technical threshold is not high, it is worth a try.
    ➼ Introduction to the Weibo Caohao Taoke Project Weibo Caohao Taoke Project: Screen self-contained coupons and high-discount products on JD.com, Taobao, etc., and operate a number of special An automation project that grows grass accounts on Weibo and earns corresponding Taoke CPS commissions.
    ➼ Weibo planting grass account Taoke project case analysis Before entering a project, it is a good habit to do some research on the same type of project.
    Doing so can not only help us quickly understand whether there are corresponding market opportunities in this field, but also have a general understanding of the degree of competition. The most important thing is that we can touch a lot of ways from the clues of peer-to-peer projects. Help us avoid many detours.
    The so-called Weibo grass account is a name I gave to this project. The simple understanding is that it is a marketing account for issuing coupons on Weibo, Taobao JD product links, and earning CPS promotion commissions. Let’s start with two simple ones. Let's analyze the case.
    Case 1: @省钱白菜君 This account was registered on April 14, 2016, and it has been more than 5 years so far. There are currently 2.65 million followers. In the more than 5 years since registration, this account has sent a total of 596246 Weibos. That is 590,000.
    Many people have no idea about this number. Don’t be afraid, let’s do a simple math problem. Divide the number of 590,000 pieces by (5 years*365), and finally get a number: 337 pieces/day.
    ``In other words, even if calculated at an average speed, this account has registered for 4 years and posted an average of 337 Weibo per day, an average of 14 per hour.
    In other words, this account posted a Weibo every 4 minutes on average. From the time of registration, it insisted that when you read this article, it did not stop for a moment, and finally sent an astonishing 490,000 blog posts.
    I think, if it is not driven by interests, I am afraid that no one can have such strong perseverance, persisting for four years as a day, and doing such things "from the disadvantage of oneself, and the special benefit of others".
    After checking the specific Weibo content sent, I found that the basic structure is the same.
    One-line Slogan promotional price + short product title and 9 product images. The format of the comment content is also surprisingly consistent. There are at least two comments for each Weibo content.
    One "Order with coupons" + a third-party redirected Taoke CPS link Tao password + Meituan is hungry to receive the red envelope link This number is temporarily analyzed here, and we will specifically analyze the reason for the other party to do this in the future.
    Case 2: @省钱专小马甲 The second case is basically the same as the previous one. Of course, it can be understood from their highly similar names. You may even suspect that these numbers are the same person or organization as I do. In batch operation.
    @省钱专小马甲, registered on September 17, 2014, has sent a total of 405,497 Weibos in the past 6 years, with an average of 185 per day and 8 per hour. Weibo content is also very similar to the previous account, except for this The number has regularly posted some lottery blog posts.
    In general, it can be said that these two numbers are highly similar from account name to operation method. Next, we can see how many reference suggestions can be extracted for our own practical operation from these two cases.
    ➼ How to operate the Weibo grass account Taoke project?
    Through the above two simple cases, at least the following conclusions can be drawn: using the Weibo platform to be a CPS Taoke is a feasible Weibo content that refers to peers, promotional copy + price tag + 9 photos Guest links and Tao passwords need to be posted in the form of comments, and cannot appear directly in the text (or a third-party domain name redirect is required, presumably to avoid the ban on the Weibo platform)
    To accumulate fans by means of like lottery draws, expand exposure, and obtain traffic and transactions. It is necessary to automatically extract product information through the interface and automatically send Weibo. If it is determined that this path is feasible, then the next step is how to solve the technical problem. Especially the key link of automatically extracting product information and automatically sending Weibo.
    The technical problem here has three core areas: automatic extraction of product information (promotional copy, product title price, 9 main images)
    Automatically convert product Taoke links and extract Tao passwords (can be combined with step 1)
    Automatically send Weibo, pictures, and comments. If you extract product information and Taoke links from some third-party product selection platforms, then step one and step two can be done at one time, otherwise you need to do the two steps yourself. Fortunately, these two The links are not particularly difficult things, especially under the premise that Taobao Alliance and Jingdong Alliance have their own dedicated API interfaces.
    In the process of my actual testing, I discovered that what is really a little difficult is the automatic sending of Weibo (fortunately, I have realized it after repeated attempts).
    I thought that after so many years, the automatic sending of Weibo has long been solved by the big cows, and I searched a code directly on the Internet and changed it slightly. However, I only found out when I actually started the test. This is not the case at all.
    First of all, the code implementation of automatically sending Weibo on the Internet (here only in Python, because I don't know other languages), generally based on two implementation methods: sending Weibo through the official Weibo API interface by parsing the Weibo private API interface , The first way to simulate login and send Weibo is the easiest, but Weibo has some restrictions on this. After repeated measurement, I gave up this road (for now).
    The second method should not be too difficult in theory, especially today when Python crawlers are flying in the sky. However, after searching, I found that the code given on the Internet is out of all normal to use. Some implementations are old, Weibo I don’t know how many times my interface has been revised. In the end, after I tested more than a dozen versions and failed, I used Selenium + Chrome + manual scan code semi-automatic method to obtain Weibo cookies files, and finally realized the subsequent automatic login and The operation of sending Weibo pictures and texts.
    There is a version of the Weibo mobile phone number + password automatic login code, which can be successfully logged in temporarily, but there is a problem in the uploading of pictures, which is pending further testing or repair by me.
    In general, the following functions can be achieved through the program: semi-automatic scan code login, obtain valid cookies files for subsequent automated operations, automatically load cookeis files, log in to Weibo account, automatically send Weibo text content, automatically upload multiple Weibo matches Figure Automatically comment on the current Weibo content Automatically modify the currently published Weibo text content (to be implemented)
    With the above technical implementation, the operation process of a complete Weibo grass account should be like this: register a Weibo account to select products (third-party platforms, or collect Taobao and JD products by myself. Here I prefer JD.com. (A secondary channel page)
    Retrieve the product's Taoke promotion link, Tao password, or JD alliance link (here I am automatically extracting the promotion link through the JD alliance interface)
    Automatically log in to Weibo and send the Weibo content of promotional texts and pictures. Automatically send the comment content including the promotion link and Tao password. Assemble the data of each link, open a Weibo account, post content, and observe specific traffic and transaction data.
    By the way, there is one more thing worth reminding. In addition to the routine of "posting Taoke links and passwords in comments" used in the previous two cases, I also observed another routine on another Weibo account of the same type. : First post a pollution-free Weibo content (usually a smiley face icon ?) + 9 pictures to modify the content of this Weibo, this time it is the real marketing copy + Taoke link + Tao password. I checked a few Ten Weibo content sent by the other party, and found that all the content has a "modified" mark. Click on it to see the edit record, the specific routine is the above content.
    This routine is for your reference (I will consider whether the test is effective later).
    The practical ideas and techniques are probably the above. I will not post the specific Python code implementation. If someone really needs it, I can consider coming back and updating it.
    ➼ Analysis of the potential revenue of the Taoke project on Weibo’s grass account.
    However, if you search on Weibo with keywords such as "money saving" and "coupons", you will definitely find a large number of Weibo accounts operating such projects. It is reasonable to speculate that there should still be a certain amount of profit, otherwise there will be no such thing. More peers.
    If it is implemented in an automated way according to the above-mentioned operation idea, then it can be said that the entire operation process is basically cost-free. Only one server can operate multiple Weibo accounts of the same type at the same time, and the cost of amortization is minimal. .
    ``If you use Google Cloud Function, or the SCF cloud functions of Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud in China, you only need to use the free quota that comes with these platforms, and it is enough to send Weibo pictures and texts every day.It can be said that operating this project is almost zero cost.
    In addition, if a single account does not generate much revenue, you can also consider multiple accounts to operate at the same time to create a "microblog number matrix", then the revenue can also increase exponentially.
    ➼ Personal comments on Weibo’s grass account Taoke project. Usually, in addition to updating my reading notes, I will log on to Weibo. In addition, I never use Weibo as a platform. But, as mentioned earlier , I do not use this platform does not mean that no one else uses it, nor does it mean that the platform does not have any commercial value.
    For example, today’s Weibo grass account project. The early stage solves technical problems, and the later operation requires almost no manual intervention. With the help of the cloud function of the cloud platform free quota, it can achieve zero labor + zero cost operation. In the case of relatively considerable benefits, You can also scale up operations with multiple accounts to further amplify revenue.


案例二: @省钱专用小马甲





➼ 微博种草号淘客项目如何操作?


  1. 通过微博平台来做CPS的淘客,是有一定可行性的
  2. 微博内容参照同行,促销文案 + 价格标签 + 9张图
  3. 淘客链接和淘口令,需要以评论方式发布,而不能直接出现在正文中(或需要第三方域名跳转,推测应该是为躲避微博平台封禁)
  4. 通过点赞抽奖的方式积攒粉丝,扩大曝光量进而获取流量和成交
  5. 需要通过接口来自动提取商品信息并自动发送微博




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