#31度网赚班# 抖音0撸项目:单日收益500,不发作品,不养号【视频课程】

One of the problems that the online earning circle has always mentioned is whether it is difficult to earn 500 a day. For many people, it may be difficult to make 50 on the Internet, but it is very simple for some technical or professional fields. In fact, the problem lies in the ideas and methods. Above, if the direction is wrong and there is no flexible thinking, you will definitely be cut leek, so that after being cut, you will be cautious and then cautious when you encounter the Internet to make money. In this case, you will either give up making money online as soon as possible, or improve your thinking and continue to find your direction.



Achieve the ultimate in any project, you can always make money, and the ultimate after the ultimate, can make a lot of money.

This issue is still one of the projects in our big coffee group: Douyin has a zero cost, and the feature of the project is that there is no need for a long and regular number of numbers. Both new and old numbers can operate normally, just 1-2 mobile phones.

Many people feel that they have to start and edit when they hear the Douyin project. This time your benefits are here. The reason why this project is defined as 撸 is because there is no need for any editing or live broadcast. It can stably earn several hundred yuan.

This project is completely zero cost, so you can earn as much as you collect.

What do you need to prepare for the project: 2-3 Douyin numbers (new and old accounts or your own frequently used accounts can be used)

1 mobile phone that can play Douyin (you can log in to 3 accounts at the same time)

1 WeChat (for receiving payments)

How long does the project need to be operated every day: It may be operated for 3-4 hours a day in the early stage, and 1-2 hours after being proficient in the later stage.

Is the project difficult to do?

As long as you usually play Douyin, you can easily get started. If you don’t usually play Douyin, you can learn it for a few hours.

Is the project long?

It is expected that there will be no problem at the end of the year, and we will develop multi-platform operations in the later period and update them for free.

Can office workers operate it?

does not need a fixed time, just take time to operate, but WeChat must ensure that you can answer the questions as soon as possible.













