#31度网赚班# 从0到1做一个赚钱的头条号,几乎零成本,却能年赚百万的创业项目

From 0 to 1, make a profitable headline number, with almost zero cost, but a small business that can make millions a year. Toutiao account is the best project to make money from personal entrepreneurship in the next five years. Whether you are a novice Xiaobai or you have encountered a bottleneck in doing Toutiao and cannot make money, you need to learn at this time and learn from the successful experience of others. This is all pure dry goods knowledge summarized in practice. Starting from the most basic registered account, I will teach you how to do account planning, content topic selection and planning, video shooting and editing, operation and monetization, and will share it with everyone. The practical tools of the We Media really help you to make a profitable headline from 0 to 1, and you can also achieve a monthly income of over 10,000.

Course catalog:

01. How do ordinary people earn millions through Toutiao, 3 steps to teach you to easily create a Toutiao.mp4

02. What kind of content areas have high returns? 1 picture to explain all the fields clearly, just follow the instructions.mp4

03. Teach you how to register a profitable headline account. There are 4 steps in 1 and 0 fans can do it.mp4

04. Which low-cost and easy-to-use equipment can be selected for video shooting, start with these 4.mp4

05. How to shoot and edit video, considering 3 aspects, the video quality is increased by 10 times.mp4

06. Zero-based learn to edit video with mobile phone, cut out movie effect in 3 minutes, detailed teaching.mp4

07. Give you the writing skills of 9 hot headlines, novice Xiaobai can also break 10 recommendations.mp4

08. How does Toutiao increase its followers quickly? 5 tips for increasing fans to help you increase by 1000 per day, everyone can.mp4

09. Toutiao’s 9 major minefields, one deduction for each touch, teach you to avoid these minefields.mp4

10. If you want to earn money from Toutiao, you must know these necessary tools and teach you hand in hand.mp4












