#31度网赚班# 闲鱼新手训练营,每天一小时,0基础+0货源+0推广 也能月赚过万

Free fish novice training camp, one hour a day, 0 base + 0 supply + 0 promotion, you can also earn more than 10,000 a month

Why do you want to do Xianyu?

1 It’s easy to get started and only requires one step of the price. It can also be operated with 0 foundation + 0 supply + 0 promotion.

2 The prospects rely on Alibaba's rapid traffic growth, and the future can be expected,

3 There are few professional sellers in competition, and after mastering the method, you can quickly increase your income!

On the first day, the teacher talked about how salted fish makes money, including novice players knowing salted fish, the secrets of salted fish gameplay, including case sharing operation principles and lessons arranged by the teacher, and you can demonstrate how salted fish can create explosive styles by yourself!

On the second day, the teacher’s main practical demonstrations: raising account (free fish coins, shopping, active), product selection (the high-quality source platform Taobao platform 1688, Pinduoduo, Jingdong spare parts warehouse), and putting on the shelves (six elements of popular products Title, main picture, copywriting, familiarity, detailed picture, label), transaction and sale.







