卖快团团团长材料也能日入100+ 新人怎么从小项目里探究出新时机









1、6.6 的团长联络方式,里边有联络微信差不多 180+

2、29.9 的团长联络方式,里边有联络微信 1700+


The focus of this project is on the idea, because it is a relatively small project, but there are many gameplay inside. Currently, I only use it to sell contact information, which is actually a pity. I hope circle friends who have read my article can leave more comments, share more ideas, and explore more possibilities. Before doing any project, my idea is to achieve monetization at the minimum cost, and then think about the next step. 1、 Verification of project feasibility, screening and planning of products that can be monetized in a timely manner Introduction: The reason I saw in the post is that I saw an article on the planet about selling equity cards through finding team leaders quickly and asking them to help sell equity cards. It mentions the contact information of the group leader: You can find the contact information of the group leader by leisurely fishing or Pinduoduo. And because I also have goods myself, I thought I needed a contact information for the team leader. Then, I conducted a related wind vane search and posted it on the Gold Rushing Planet, successfully winning the bid. This is the wind vane in the picture. The price of Pinduoduoli can be shown to everyone, but it can be roughly divided into two types. Determine the form of your monetization product. 1. The contact information for the team leader in section 6.6 includes WeChat contacts for approximately 180+2 and 29.9, as well as WeChat contact information for 1700+

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