抖音森林派对直播项目,可虚拟人直播 抖音报白 实时互动直播【软件+教程】











In 2023, the latest and most popular interactive game of Tiktok -- Forest Party [software+launch tutorial+start number tutorial+free docking and white reporting+free opening of live broadcasting rights in pink] [support platform] Tiktok (free opening of live broadcasting rights in pink) [equipment requirements] computer (win10 system is required) [operation steps] will automatically ship basic data after placing an order. The game is an official Tiktok game, which can be launched normally only after reporting to the channel teacher and the guild, There are channel teachers in the information, and after consultation, they will immediately communicate and report for free. 【 gameplay introduction 】 Players are divided into two factions (Fire Dragon faction and Ice Dragon faction). After entering the Forest Party, the audience needs to send a specified barrage command to join the faction. By default, each player comes with one small raccoon. Players can earn (several) small raccoons each time by liking them, or recruit more powerful animals to join the camp through gifts. Players can choose to send barrage instructions and brush paid gifts to recruit a large number of animals. Players who defeat the enemy's base dragon will win the battle. Game Shot

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