

免授权,建立直接运用,亲测可用, 主机,服务器都能够建立


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去除残留隐藏后门 修复闲鱼无法购买问题 修复买卖猫双端跳转无法添加商品问题 修复卡框无法正常运用的问题 修复首页域名翻开不能跳转百度 转转【最新验机模板】

转转【最新游戏模板】,转转【老旧物品模板】登录形式增加为双形式登录,微信或者验证码 建立

设备需求:电脑+服务器+域名 这个只是源码,感兴趣学习的自行下单

无一对一指导 本站所发布的一切资源仅限用于学习和研讨目的;不得将上述内容用于商业或者非法用途,


This post was finally edited by Wolf at 12:39 am on April 10, 2023. The source code for the transaction of Cat Leisure Fish is powerful and includes more than a dozen template games and other unauthorized features. It can be used directly and can be tested in person. Both the host and server can be built. The introduction is powerless. You can see the demo image! New Alipay refund template New JD latest template [Apple 11, Apple 12, Apple 12pro, Apple 12prom] New Pinduoduo latest template New Taobao latest template New QQ space fishing template [independent with background] Remove residual hidden backdoors, fix problems with idle fish being unable to purchase, fix problems with transaction cats jumping to both ends, unable to add products, fix problems with card frames not functioning properly, fix problems with homepage domain names being opened, unable to jump to Baidu, Baidu, Baidu, and old item templates. The login mode has been changed to dual mode, WeChat or verification code building equipment requirements: Computer+server+domain name are only source code, and those interested in learning can place their own orders without one-on-one guidance. All resources published on this website are limited to learning and research purposes; The above content shall not be used for commercial or illegal purposes. Please comply with relevant laws and regulations. Illegal use is prohibited! Otherwise, all consequences shall be borne by the user.

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